I smoked a couple drags of a cigarette when I was somewhere between 4 and 6 years old. Can't remember exactly. It might have even only been one drag? It was probably two or three though. An older cousin handed me one, maybe so I wouldn't tell on him, I don't know. It was something like ''Take this'' and told me what to do with it. I coughed so much and just will never forget how awful I felt afterwards. I never smoked a cigarette again and never will. Not that I even smoked an entire cigarette.
I smoked weed a bunch of times when I was 14 and just didn't enjoy it. Definitely didn't enjoy the smoking part of it. I'm the kind of person that can't stop coughing once I start. If I get a cold/cough, I'm still coughing off an on 4-6 weeks later, even if all the other symptoms have gone away. I don't have any sort of respiratory ailments, but I just cough for a long time once I start. If I start coughing from my drink going down the wrong pipe I sometimes will be coughing for an hour or more after that. Not non-stop, but off and on. Sometimes it's still lingering for 2 hours. If I really enjoyed getting high, I think I would eat an edible or something, but I don't enjoy it. Ate some pot brownies a few times between 14-16, since I wouldn't smoke it. It was whatever.
I actually don't discuss this often, but I was just thinking about it recently. I've never liked being drunk. I didn't like being drunk as a kid. I actually liked the pot brownies/weed (not the smoking part) more than the buzz from being drunk. Couldn't stand it.
I didn't drink much as a kid/young adult. Hardly ever at all after 16. Maybe not at all after 16? Until I was about 26-27. I had a bad breakup with my first love after 5+ years when I was 26. I had a couple of deaths around the same time, family members and a close friend of the family that I had known all my life. I started drinking A LOT because it just made me forget about everything. I didn't have to think about it anymore. I didn't like being buzzed, but I LOVED just not feeling anything after being really drunk and f***ed up. I was still functioning, I went to work every day. I never drove drunk. I didn't drink in the daytime, except on weekends/non work days.
I don't think it even went on 6 months, maybe only like 4 months before I realized this was getting really bad and I had drank EVERY day for at least 4 months, sometimes hard booze. I was already a big guy at that time, but I gained probably 30 or more pounds just from consuming 2000-3000 calories more a day in alcohol and I was still eating a whole lot too.
I somehow came to the realization that it was better to just stop drinking altogether. Not even once in a while, not even occasionally, no glass of wine with dinner or New Years, no beer out with friends. None of that. I never had to ever worry about getting stuck somewhere and not being able to drive back. It was right around the time the 2003 playoffs started that I stopped, so I got to experience that run sober, just as I had every other cup/playoff run before that.
Sometimes I'm not honest and will tell people I haven't drank in 30 years since I was a kid, because I don't want to even remember that brief but serious drunk phase. But it's not been quite 20. I do remember going through some type of withdrawals. You can't drink as much as I did for those few months without having them.
I did have a bit of an IDGAF stage in 2020-2021, which I've been pretty open about on here. It lasted even longer, but I didn't resort to alcohol once. Just ATE a whole lot. That's kind of what I do, but I also have that in control. I don't binge eat when I'm stressed or anything (I do have a cheat day or two every week) or feeling bad, but if I go through some kind of longer term depression I know I'll start eating a whole lot again and have to lose all my weight back again.
I have my days where I don't feel so good, but I'm very happy both those periods are behind me.