He's settling in well for the 2nd pair anchor. His minutes have been managed very well, going from the ~22 mins of ES a night he has played every year since he has entered the league to 18/19 mins.
Going from 26 mins a night to 21/22 is a very large positive for both Chabot and the Sens. Sanderson is the team's horse, in all situations.
He is still going to be the #2 in icetime with over 21/22 mins a night, get ~1:45-2 mins of PP on the 2nd unit, and is being used, thus far, as a staple on the PK with 2:20 a game.
A #2 minute muncher who is going to put up ~40-50 points who tilts the ice in the Sens favour more than any other D is a very nice piece for the Sens
If he is able to overcome some of the bonehead plays he makes, and even with them, he's going to be a legit game changer on the 2nd pair for this Sens team