The Eternal Optimist
The other thing with the Streak, is that before it was a thing that was talked about, it isn't terribly impressive.
It really wasn't. It was just a coincidence that he kept being booked to win for the first while. Diesel, Sid and Kane would be his highest profile pre 'streak being a thing' matches.
His first match against Snuka was a throw-away match to get more people on the card.
Jake was at least the blow-off to a feud but Jake was also on his way out... man they killed Jake in that match, killed the DDT then gave Jake a tombstone on the concrete.
Most people want to forget his next two against GG and Bundy (in the middle of his feud with the Million $ Corporation).
Then came the first big time match against Diesel. The match agaisnt Sid would be forgettable except that it was for the title, and also was really the start of Paul Bearer bringing in Kane....
Which lead to the following year WM match against Kane.
Another match people want to forget against Bossman that just about killed the HIAC match.
Then came another 'thrown together' match except that it was against HHH. The build up was pretty much HHH coming out and saying "I've beat everybody there is to beat" *dong* "Except me" Again I believe at this point that started to reference Taker "never having lost at WM before"
Then you get to Flair to make it 10-0.
The trainwreck that was supposed to be Undertaker & Nathan Jones vs. Big Show & A-Train. But the realized how much Nathan Jones sucked so locked him the back and made it a handicapped match.
Kane part II.
Then it became about ending the streak.