I agree, it should be about science, period/end of story, but if you watched in toto last night, that's clearly not what they were selling. But regardless of that, the point is, it has no place in the Olympics to begin with.
And FYI, after that GL segment, there were several other attempts at politics in the Opening Ceremony last night as well (man-made global warming just happened to be the first issue), and not all of them I disagree with, but politics has no place in the Olympics games, and I've never seen anything done like what we witnessed last night, and it wasn't even sneaked in "on the edges" or the periphery, it was featured and in your face and set a bad precedent for future games.
And I'm 100% certain that the people who are fine with last night and think it's wonderful because their political leanings agree with the messaging will one day fully understand that awful precedent set last night when the games return to China or Russia, etc...