The stock market thread.

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Bought another chunk of vanguard today. Market is down a bit. I expect another kick in the junk coming in the next two weeks once this spirals further out of control.
We will get through it though - we always do :)
I bet it short today in play money, so you're probably right. I still feel like there's a total kick in the nuts coming, though. Yesterday should have been the day for a relief rally, and we were barely up after what you might argue was the last of exhaustion selling and a 78-point drop in the S&P followed by a 147-point rip higher.

I don't know that there's a total put under the market right now, but I think the Fed is trying desperately to put one in. Something about it going into the market and starting to buy anything not an equity. (Again, yet. I fully expect it will hit that point sooner than people think.) Treasury yields have screamed up, so that makes me think there's upside in the stock market but it could also simply be that the Fed has lost all control of the yield curve. Right now, you'd think everyone would be fleeing to safety and yields would be crammed near zero. Instead, we're seeing a "normal" looking curve even if it still means a 10-year around 1% and a 30-year around 1.6%.

A calmer day would be better for everyone's nerves, but who knows what kind of news drops this weekend. And yes, things can still get worse.

What put downward pressure late yesterday was the redemptions from mutual funds...
I am starting to seriously believe there's a put in place at Dow 20,000. And no, it makes absolutely no sense other than from a psychological view, but it's really interesting how we get under that mark and you can see action shift to fight like hell to hold it.

So, is that really true? What has to happen to break that? And what happens if that breaks?
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I am starting to seriously believe there's a put in place at Dow 20,000. And no, it makes absolutely no sense other than from a psychological view, but it's really interesting how we get under that mark and you can see action shift to fight like hell to hold it.

So, is that really true? What has to happen to break that? And what happens if that breaks?

I agree . It’s not breaking like it should. When it does it will probably be painful.

on a brighter note I filled up my car today for $29 cad from almost empty . :)
Something appears broken. Oil is under $20, the 10-year is back under 1%, the 30-year sailed under 1.5% before recovering back to 1.6%. Small cap stocks are barely unchanged. (They're that beaten down?) The market is trying to drop and is making a final stand at 19,500 / 2,340; we break that and all hell may break loose.
my peloton shorts are cashing in

not so much my puts

anyone else still shorting and buying puts?
Anyone get any joy with JOY ( Journey Energy ) on the TSX last night? Closed at .06 yesterday , opened at .36 today and went to .46 before closing at .40.
Wish I could say I did.
you have people hoping for green days just so they can purchase cheaper short positions

crazy times

That sounds bad.

The question is how this gets smoothed, because all that gets reported is what's seasonally adjusted. (At one point, I toyed around with figuring out how the BLS's smoothing process exactly works, but then I moved on to cap stuff for a while and sat this to the side.) And, there's a question of how many of these are "my employer is temporarily shut down, I'm filing unemployment but I expect to go back to work with the same employer at some point" (where Mrs. Mud is, though she'll get paid for a couple weeks yet) and how many of these are "my job is gone, I need to find a new one."

Anyone get any joy with JOY ( Journey Energy ) on the TSX last night? Closed at .06 yesterday , opened at .36 today and went to .46 before closing at .40.
Wish I could say I did.
I'm all for risk, but going the penny-stock route is exceptionally risky.
Do you think it's safe to buy REITs for cheap right now?

Some of the REIT’s I’ve been following have halved in price. I’ve bought a little in both I’ve been following . I think they will go lower yet , but no one knows where or when the bottom is .
Markets going to really crash this week with the unemployment number coming. Might be a great time for me to get back into stocks. Thinking Exxon and Jetblue
Predictions for tomorrow ? Will we finally break and free fall to the bottom to which at this time the depths look limitless?
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