Good article. Don't agree with all of it, but its clear and digs through a lot of stuff
My points of disagreement/where it doesn't go deep enough to get answers with it are
- Did he get as much out of the team's destiny as possible when Big Ben was good? Because we know that's a big bone of contention for many, and why a lot of guys were against him before Pickett was even drafted.
- It doesn't mention that the Steelers homegrown offensive talent includes no established offensive linemen, and how that might be a problem
- It doesn't mention the downright foolish decisions taken with the first years of Rudolph's and Pickett's tenure, which maybe mattered and maybe didn't but can't give any confidence the team knows what it's doing
- It doesn't talk about Tomlin's recent tendency to get to great league positions then piss it up the wall. Is it surprising that the Steelers got stomped by Kansas in Big Ben's final go? No. Did they need to play that game if they hadn't finished that season awful? Probably not. Do we get these articles without losing to Arizona and New England? No.
I do sometimes wonder about why there's so little patience and generosity with a rebuilding situation. Why we'd expect more out of this season overall than we've got. But the answers are easy
- People feel like his prior record doesn't deserve that patience
- There's so many self-inflicted wounds with the hiring of Canada and the OL situation
- The juxtaposition of scraping by wins and spectacularly embarrassing losses
- And not least, the way they refuse to admit they're rebuilding, and the lack of progress in talent if we accept it's one