If you have some losing seasons, it’s not the end of the world.
The last time this org had a losing season, they ended up with a franchise QB.
Ya it’s not always going to work out that way, but being mediocre in perpetuity gets this org nowhere.
They aren’t even good at being mediocre - because Tomlin Purgatory means annual playoff embarrassments that set new franchise records of ineptitude.
This org will be stuck in the mud as long as Tomlin is here - because you can’t have the guy that broke things, be the fixer - it’s illogical.
He gave up on KP after just two years, only to bring in retreads that put this org back in the exact same spot.
What concerns me is either he badly
missed evaluating KP or he blew the development side.
He had a massive advantage of seeing KP every day for five years in the same practice facility, and still somehow blew the pick
I’m not a big Fields guy, at all, but he then followed the same playbook with him as well.
Is this really a guy you can trust to evaluate, draft and develop a franchise QB ala Harbaugh with Flacco/Jackson?
Put another way, how badly would he have botched the development of Jackson, had they drafted him?