The PSU mouth breathers can only cite football results. IE, wins and losses and if you look at the entirety of the program's in question, they simply aren't better than Pitt. In the past couple decades? Sure.
But the football program at PSU was put above the safety of children.
No amount of deflection can ever change that fact. PSU allowed a man to rape children and then covered it up in the name of Joe Paterno's legacy and the fallout legally.
And the cover up, eventually blew up.
Congrats, PSU has won more in the past 30-40 years.
That's irrelevant when you're talking about a scandal the size of Jerry Sandusky raping kids from the 1980's through the 2000's.
And you'll still find in central PA (I live here) countless neanderthals who don't think PSU even deserved the fate they got (basically just paid a lot of money to victims).
Joe didn't do anything wrong!! He didn't know anything (crock of shit considering EVERYTHING at PSU went through Joe.) He ran that school for the back half of his life. It's well documented he had to be consulted on anything sports related especially. He killed hockey at PSU for years, among other sports because it would take funding away from the football program. Joe knew everything that went on around there.
Joe didn't teach, he wasn't a scholar. He wasn't doing anything for kids other than telling them where to go on a football field. That's a fact. But hey, he donated a lot of money to libraries and other buildings. Wow, a multi millionarie giving some money away as a tax write off! Legend.
He's the most overrated coach in college football history (2 natty's in half a century, at a school the size of PSU, with the financial windfall he had) is rather pathetic. Especially when you consider the last 1 happened like 40 f***ing years ago.
And he died in shame. Good riddance to a pompous, self aggrandizing miserable old man.