And the most aggravating way for a game to end, the rules have to change for OT. There is no way a game should end like that basically on the flip of a coin. Both teams have to get one chance to score. Period. Exclamation point!
Oh yes- don't get me started on the OT rule- COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS. I can't believe so many defend it or seem to be ok with it. The argument that "if you don't like it, just play defense"?? Could not disagree more. By that logic you could have this kind of rule in any sport- can you imagine if other sports did this??:
Baseball- if a team scores in top of 10th- game over- the other team does not get to bat. Anyone ok with that?? You can use that same "play defense" argument here- just pitch and play defense and you'll get to bat again, right??
Basketball- imagine if we did a coin flip to determine who gets first possession, and if you hit a 3 on that possession game is over- other team gets no possession. Again, you can always say, "all you got to do is stop them"
I know those comparisons are apples to oranges and both of those scenarios sound completely ridiculous- but it is the same basic logic as the NFL rule.
But what really makes it completely stupid is the solution is so simple- if team scores TD on opening possession, other team gets ONE possession to match it (or even win it on 2 point conversion). If they tie the game, then next score wins. You could just make that a playoffs only rule if you want- why is that not the rule? why would anyone have a problem with that?? It is a million times better than what we have now.