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Having some Americans as part of the club’s ownership group cushioned his landing, too. “They helped me a ton during the whole transition,” Pulisic said. “The signing, welcoming me to the club, they were fantastic.” (He’s never met Drake, who is also a passive investor.) But every now and then a guy just yearns for his childhood comforts. Asked what things he finds himself pining for the most while 4,000 miles from home, Pulisic pointed to the candy aisle.

“American snacks and candies, normal stuff. I’ve gotten pretty accustomed to the European lifestyle, but I don’t know about Italian candy. You can’t argue about the food! Candy and sweets, though, I think they’re a little bit behind.”

Pulisic should know, having grown up in literally Hershey, Pennsylvania. If it’s any consolation, the fourth kits cooked up by his new club are sweet enough to satiate his cravings. “If you asked my teammates, I think about five of them would even know what Hershey’s is,” Pulisic smiles. “But, I guess I did grow up in the sweetest place on Earth!”

So my daughter is on her way to Ottawa for her conference. Her mom and I dropped her off this morning, and the nerves got to us as she’s going to this alone. I only slept for a couple of hours last night, her mom woke up early in the morning, and my daughter paced around the house.

She’s currently on layover in Toronto (weird that there’s no direct flight to Ottawa), and enjoyed her flight. She’s a bit bored with the two hour layover. I went to work afterwards because otherwise I’d be sitting at home worried.
So my daughter is on her way to Ottawa for her conference. Her mom and I dropped her off this morning, and the nerves got to us as she’s going to this alone. I only slept for a couple of hours last night, her mom woke up early in the morning, and my daughter paced around the house.

She’s currently on layover in Toronto (weird that there’s no direct flight to Ottawa), and enjoyed her flight. She’s a bit bored with the two hour layover. I went to work afterwards because otherwise I’d be sitting at home worried.

How is her trip going?
Oh, I like me some WW1 movies.

Slightly off topic, but does anyone watch Oversimplified on YouTube?

The creator does an amazing job talking about historical events or people. He just did a series on the Punic Wars, which my wife likes to call the Pubic Wars to bug me. Amazing stuff. Im a sucker for Rome, and the Punic Wars were brutal for them. Hannibal was a top-3 general ever. I'd probably only put Alexander ahead of him. Khan would probably round out my top-3. Would love to read other posters opinions on this, especially those more well versed in history than myself.

1) The late great Kathy Shaidle once did an article for TakiMag on Hustler breaking that taboo in porn with the title "The Pubic Wars".

2) Hannibal's big mistake was using war elephants. Had he used war giraffes he would've conquered the world.
Catching up... I assume there is no expiration date on advice...

Anyone have any experience with their spouse dealing with a creep she used to work with?

This man was her PI and mentor at her previous job. She quit in the summer to pursue a career in nursing. She hadn't seen him much since then, but visited him yesterday because her manuscript was finally done, and she had to go over it with him.

Well, she met him in his office. He made sure to close the door. Once they were done with the work, my wife went to leave but he wanted a hug. This is where it gets weird. Apparently, he hugged her really tight, had his arm around her lower back/hips, and had his face around her neck area (he's taller than her). He then said 'you give very good hugs'. He hugged her again. The same way. Very intimate. He tried to be physical with her again, but she sat down in her chair to avoid the hug, and it worked. She managed to leave before he could try it again. He has never hugged her that way before. She felt so uncomfortable by it all.

This man mentored her for 6 years. He's 30+ years her age (65 yrs old). We would jokingly call him grandpa. We've been over his house multiple times. He adores our son, and bought him gifts for his birthdays and the such. I've talked to him one and one many times.

I'd love nothing more than to confront this man, but we work at the same hospital. He's just on the research side while Im on the frontlines. I see him in passing from time to time. I obviously wont do anything, but it's going to be tough acting like everything is normal.

I felt so much dread for my wife as she was telling me this. It's obvious she tried to put it in the back of her mind to block out the emotions she felt. She's very creeped out. As I said, we viewed this man as a grandparent figure, and he still got a bit handsy with my wife while his wife was working in an office 10 yards away! (Him and his wife are both PIs for labs).

Just a very weird situation that I needed to vent about. What a creep that man is. My wife is an attractive lady, so I don't doubt guys have some sexual attraction toward her, but given who he was and how he made advances on her is just so weird. I'd love nothing more to put him in his place, and let him know how much of a creep he was being.

My wife luckily won't have to work with him in the future. The manuscript was the last thing they needed to complete.
I don't follow the abbreviation PI, but I don't think that matters in context.

I definitely would have said something to him, told your wife you were going to do it, and asked if she wanted to join in addressing him (I would not have required her to do it). I would have been direct and respectful. Describe what you understood to have happened (state your wife's account of the incident(s) / event(s). I would have noted how you/wife/family view him as a grandfatherly figure, mentor, friend, etc., but that his behavior in that instant / those instances makes both of you uncomfortable - her directly, you indirectly because of how she feels, and that if things occur in your workplace, even if she is no longer an employee there, it could/should be construed as inappropriate and subject to reporting and discipline, even if it wasn't, (which you are not agreeing it wasn't inappropriate). State that you don't want to sever the relationship, but that anything similar in the future would be serious consideration for doing so, and potentially reporting to your workplace if it happens at work, or both.

If it makes her/you uncomfortable, unless you speak up / act up, it could seem like tacit permission, and I DO NOT mean that in the context of "victim-shaming".

And I offer that advice as a guy who is neither overly nor overtly protective of my wife.

We're cautioned to be good stewards and to attend to and cherish what we have, as every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above. If you look at your marriage as being a covenant, and that your meeting/courtship/marriage was/is a gift bestowed from a fiercely loving Father whom delights over you; One Whom is sovereign and knows what you need before you are ever in lack - You have to internalize why would one have thoughts that what was given to you is now no longer good enough/fun/entertaining/whatever. All of us can justify a "I was just looking" response but the motivation comes from a lustful place. When the mind carries us to places that it shouldn't, the response would be to recognize what is going on - make a choice to stop - and be thankful and grateful for what one is blessed with. The lust of the eyes doesn't just mean big titties; for me it's also a constant battle to not be covetous when looking at vintage guitars or gear and scheming up how to afford that strat from 1965 because I like the way the lake placid blue has gone green.

It's a tough struggle and all flesh is constantly at war with the spirit. I have had success by adopting an attitude of treating every woman older than me as I would my mom and treating those younger as I would a little sister. Looking, flirting, taking advantage - it's easy. Doing what is right and adhering to the covenant you made is difficult. Be the champion your family needs and deserves.
Good post.
Brings up two thoughts at other ends of the spectrum:
Regarding temptations, the old adage, "what were once vices are now habits".
Re: infidelity in particular, my wife and I joke that I have "no game" and it's hard enough for me to keep our relationship muy simpatico, how in the heck could I do that with more than 1 woman at once?

Driving in the North Bay was vaguely apocalyptic today, guess it’s even worse down by LA. Very wet winter, but we went from unprecedented drought to unprecedented flooding within a year, so.. it’s fine, things are fine guys.

Oh, and my power is out, because the local utility runs shit about as well as the folks in goddamn Mongolia did (Mongolia has a million more excuses, but their businesses/government are also corrupt as shit. Draw your own conclusions).

Whatever, I go out tomorrow and tell folks to better prepare their homes for the apocalypse. Seriously, that’s part of my sales pitch at this point- it’s all f***ed, but with solar and a battery you’re good, at least. You don’t come home to darkness, because the bastards that killed people and hiked rates 13% this year still can’t keep the lights on.

Anyways, hope y’all are well. Just venting, practically too damned dark to even read a book.
I'd recommend a survival guide.

Had a long ass week at work and my wife volunteered us to go to a family get together with my family and forgot to tell me until a few days before. Needless to say after working at 4am yesterday I was bitching and moaning all day long to co-workers about how much I didn't wanna go and just wanted to go home and relax.

Fast forward a few hours to my grandpa making an announcement to the family that my grandma (who has been battling cancer back and forth for 7 years) has at most 6 weeks to live since the cancer spread to her spinal cord. I guess I learned a lesson about bitching about going to family events (while we all still can).

Was a very terrible feeling watching my grandmother hold our 4 month old baby for what might be the last time. Been feeling like a guilty piece of shit for a day now. Decided to go check on my mom to see how she was holding up and she informed me that grandpa intends to kill himself when grandma goes. Aint life great?!
Actually happened with my cousin's cousins (the other side of my cousin's family). Their mom dies of cancer. Short while later, their dad hangs himself in the garage (down in Florida).

So on a much lighter topic I went down the proverbial rabbit hole on Lazada ordering US products. I generally make an order every month or so for things like Taco Sauce, Chef Boyardee ravioli that I can't get here. Decided some Shake n Bake might not be bad but alas couldn't find any but Stuffing showed up, so grabbed some cornbread. While adding that to the cart Hostess pies popped up, just couldn't see paying $10 for the nostalgia of a single pie. While lamenting that I start getting Woody Harleson flashbacks about Twinkies and lo and behold $10 a box. Then I find my kryptonite in Swedish Fish 8oz for $10.

Needless to say I went a tad overboard but have my junk food sorted for a month
I can relate. I only eat them when the kids forget and leave them somewhere so I can snag a couple. You're a creative master of logistics, and good with financials. Tell me how I can send you them in bulk without customs confiscating them, and I'll do it for cost plus the rights to the aforementioned book @oldgoalie suggested.

Second thought - I think a few of us need to visit you on a rotational basis as "co-authors" of your biography.

Oh man. I just woke myself up yelling in my sleep. I've never done that. Was having a dream about driving home and seeing a house along the highway explode into flames like from a gas leak. That was horrific.
Dreamed the other night that a man and woman (unknown if related) were lurking outside the family hunting camp in the PA Allegheny woods. I could see their faces vividly which is odd, because my dreams aren't normally like that. I went outside to confront the man, and when I swing my fist to his face it went through it like an image / hologram. Then my wife woke me up because I was punching her in my sleep and calling out verbally in distress. Bizarre.
My REM sleep is often between first waking up and then getting up. My GF gets up at 5:00 for work and if I roll over and go to sleep until 5:30, that thirty minutes can be wild and bizarre in terms of dreams.
Yeah, that "second sleep" as I call it can be deep like a coma, or fraught with all kinds of wild adventures.
Catching up... I assume there is no expiration date on advice...

I don't follow the abbreviation PI, but I don't think that matters in context.

I definitely would have said something to him, told your wife you were going to do it, and asked if she wanted to join in addressing him (I would not have required her to do it). I would have been direct and respectful. Describe what you understood to have happened (state your wife's account of the incident(s) / event(s). I would have noted how you/wife/family view him as a grandfatherly figure, mentor, friend, etc., but that his behavior in that instant / those instances makes both of you uncomfortable - her directly, you indirectly because of how she feels, and that if things occur in your workplace, even if she is no longer an employee there, it could/should be construed as inappropriate and subject to reporting and discipline, even if it wasn't, (which you are not agreeing it wasn't inappropriate). State that you don't want to sever the relationship, but that anything similar in the future would be serious consideration for doing so, and potentially reporting to your workplace if it happens at work, or both.

If it makes her/you uncomfortable, unless you speak up / act up, it could seem like tacit permission, and I DO NOT mean that in the context of "victim-shaming".

And I offer that advice as a guy who is neither overly nor overtly protective of my wife.

Good post.
Brings up two thoughts at other ends of the spectrum:
Regarding temptations, the old adage, "what were once vices are now habits".
Re: infidelity in particular, my wife and I joke that I have "no game" and it's hard enough for me to keep our relationship muy simpatico, how in the heck could I do that with more than 1 woman at once?

I'd recommend a survival guide.

Actually happened with my cousin's cousins (the other side of my cousin's family). Their mom dies of cancer. Short while later, their dad hangs himself in the garage (down in Florida).

I can relate. I only eat them when the kids forget and leave them somewhere so I can snag a couple. You're a creative master of logistics, and good with financials. Tell me how I can send you them in bulk without customs confiscating them, and I'll do it for cost plus the rights to the aforementioned book @oldgoalie suggested.

Second thought - I think a few of us need to visit you on a rotational basis as "co-authors" of your biography.

Dreamed the other night that a man and woman (unknown if related) were lurking outside the family hunting camp in the PA Allegheny woods. I could see their faces vividly which is odd, because my dreams aren't normally like that. I went outside to confront the man, and when I swing my fist to his face it went through it like an image / hologram. Then my wife woke me up because I was punching her in my sleep and calling out verbally in distress. Bizarre.

Yeah, that "second sleep" as I call it can be deep like a coma, or fraught with all kinds of wild adventures.
The Swedish Fish were a one off as i can get gummy bears, Trolli sours etc for $1 a pack and be happy for that late night snack while watching a movie.
So I had a laugh yesterday. The owners of Las Vegas GoGo are opening a new beer bar complex across from LK Metro, a L shaped street full of bars, music clubs and GoGos. Like Myth Night complex they offer fully stocked bars with a central music system, onsite entertainment ie DJs or bands so shitty music no one wants to hear. All liquor comes from the same vendor, will be sold at the same price so all you have to do is man your bar. 20K USD the 4k a month rental and you can go broke. They're supposed to be open middle of next week, they have 10 bars of which 9 are available so are getting desperate.

So their plea to me was that since I have plenty of girls, I'd have no problem staffing it, which is true. I told him the problem is that the rent is higher than my Soi6 bars, I'd need to sell 85 beers a day to break even on rent, another 140 to pay staff. Now my staff's break even point would be 10 lady drinks per night as I could only charge 125 of which they get 50 so my share after drink cost is maybe 50. I told them the only ones making money in their scheme is them, so good luck enjoy getting beat by Buttercups and Area 51 with pretty girls and 60 baht beers compared to their 85
The Swedish Fish were a one off as i can get gummy bears, Trolli sours etc for $1 a pack and be happy for that late night snack while watching a movie.
Yeah, I don't like gummi bears. Might eat a single bear every year. Don't like the texture. Too gummy. And I don't like sours. Younger son likes Nerds or whatever they're called. They are sour. I just don't get the appeal. I like chocolate, original Twizzlers, and Swedish Fish. Fortunately, they aren't in the house often, nor in quantity when they are. I eat pretty healthy, so because of that I don't feel guilt "sampling" them. Other vice is ice cream. We won't talk about ice cream.

So I had a laugh yesterday. The owners of Las Vegas GoGo are opening a new beer bar complex across from LK Metro, a L shaped street full of bars, music clubs and GoGos. Like Myth Night complex they offer fully stocked bars with a central music system, onsite entertainment ie DJs or bands so shitty music no one wants to hear. All liquor comes from the same vendor, will be sold at the same price so all you have to do is man your bar. 20K USD the 4k a month rental and you can go broke. They're supposed to be open middle of next week, they have 10 bars of which 9 are available so are getting desperate.

So their plea to me was that since I have plenty of girls, I'd have no problem staffing it, which is true. I told him the problem is that the rent is higher than my Soi6 bars, I'd need to sell 85 beers a day to break even on rent, another 140 to pay staff. Now my staff's break even point would be 10 lady drinks per night as I could only charge 125 of which they get 50 so my share after drink cost is maybe 50. I told them the only ones making money in their scheme is them, so good luck enjoy getting beat by Buttercups and Area 51 with pretty girls and 60 baht beers compared to their 85
All the numbers / prices make me recall nickel/dime drafts, and nickel/dime wings. Was it the Salty Dog near Evangola state park / Angola on the Lake? Also, Woodshed at the Packet Inn on the canal between City of Tonawanda and North Tonawanda. Memory fuzzy...

We used to get $0.25 drafts on campus pub nights in college but that went away when the drinking age raised in the mid-80s.
Speaking of REM sleep. I slept for over 7 hours last night according to my watch. Well, actual sleep time was like 6 hr 45 mins due to a few minor wake ups throughout the night. I got a 92 sleep rating, which is one of the highest Ive ever recorded. And yet, I was still exhausted at work. Checked my watch for more details on my night of sleep, and it turns out I woke up right at the peak of my REM cycle. I hate when that happens!
Speaking of REM sleep. I slept for over 7 hours last night according to my watch. Well, actual sleep time was like 6 hr 45 mins due to a few minor wake ups throughout the night. I got a 92 sleep rating, which is one of the highest Ive ever recorded. And yet, I was still exhausted at work. Checked my watch for more details on my night of sleep, and it turns out I woke up right at the peak of my REM cycle. I hate when that happens!

Also, there are some published sleep studies that sleep debt takes time to replenish so if you've had poor quality for a time, it still isn't backfilled.

Granted, I feel like I will never make my debt up at this point... :laugh:
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Yeah, I don't like gummi bears. Might eat a single bear every year. Don't like the texture. Too gummy. And I don't like sours. Younger son likes Nerds or whatever they're called. They are sour. I just don't get the appeal. I like chocolate, original Twizzlers, and Swedish Fish. Fortunately, they aren't in the house often, nor in quantity when they are. I eat pretty healthy, so because of that I don't feel guilt "sampling" them. Other vice is ice cream. We won't talk about ice cream.

All the numbers / prices make me recall nickel/dime drafts, and nickel/dime wings. Was it the Salty Dog near Evangola state park / Angola on the Lake? Also, Woodshed at the Packet Inn on the canal between City of Tonawanda and North Tonawanda. Memory fuzzy...

We used to get $0.25 drafts on campus pub nights in college but that went away when the drinking age raised in the mid-80s.
I used to love the Monday specials for the $5 pitchers and .05 wings. Even on $3.35 minimum wage you could splurge on a pitcher and 10 wings without crimping the budget
I used to love the Monday specials for the $5 pitchers and .05 wings. Even on $3.35 minimum wage you could splurge on a pitcher and 10 wings without crimping the budget
Hey Chief,
I think I asked you this once before, but I don’t recall if you answered it, or i forgot.
When you were active duty, what was your class of ship/ship? (Or if you were a submariner, what class of boat/boat?)
Hey Chief,
I think I asked you this once before, but I don’t recall if you answered it, or i forgot.
When you were active duty, what was your class of ship/ship? (Or if you were a submariner, what class of boat/boat?)

UDT don't have just one ship. :D
Hey Chief,
I think I asked you this once before, but I don’t recall if you answered it, or i forgot.
When you were active duty, what was your class of ship/ship? (Or if you were a submariner, what class of boat/boat?)
I did earn my SG (SS for permanent party) and SW pins over the course of long deployments. For subs I've been on Batfish class, LA, and Seawolf. For ships everything from old CGN like the Virginia, to Arleigh Burke, Aegis, LCN, LHA, lots of landings on different CVN, some littoral class, minesweeper and the occasional USSS
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I did earn my SG (SS for permanent party) and SW pins over the course of long deployments. For subs I've been on Batfish class, LA, and Seawolf. For ships everything from old CGN like the Virginia, to Arleigh Burke, Aegis, LCN, LHA, lots of landings on different CVN, some littoral class, minesweeper and the occasional USSS

Lots of hardware In that list!
Coincidently, I’ve been on an LA, the Seawolf, and an SSBN (VIP cruise; 741 feet below the surface). Seawolf was when she was first going through fitting out at Groton. Standing in the forward torpedo room, next to a cruise missile, my first reaction was that it was like standing in the chamber of a loaded gun,

You really have to write that book, Chief. I’d want an autographed copy.

Good times.
Lots of hardware In that list!
Coincidently, I’ve been on an LA, the Seawolf, and an SSBN (VIP cruise; 741 feet below the surface). Seawolf was when she was first going through fitting out at Groton. Standing in the forward torpedo room, next to a cruise missile, my first reaction was that it was like standing in the chamber of a loaded gun,

You really have to write that book, Chief. I’d want an autographed copy.
I've had the 'pleasure' of sleeping under a torpedo on a 637 class. Talk about zero room, anywhere on those bad boys. The LA were a step up and then the Seawolf seemed palatial. At 6'3 and usually around 210lbs I used to envy the little guys, I'd have to walk in a crouch at the beginning of deployment or after refurbishment as every passageway was lined with cans covered by plywood so gave you an extra 8 or 9" which put your forehead in direct competition with the emergency oxygen outlets. The short guys just breezed through
  • Haha
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I've had the 'pleasure' of sleeping under a torpedo on a 637 class. Talk about zero room, anywhere on those bad boys. The LA were a step up and then the Seawolf seemed palatial. At 6'3 and usually around 210lbs I used to envy the little guys, I'd have to walk in a crouch at the beginning of deployment or after refurbishment as every passageway was lined with cans covered by plywood so gave you an extra 8 or 9" which put your forehead in direct competition with the emergency oxygen outlets. The short guys just breezed through
637; Sturgeon class. toured one of them too.
The SSBN was palatial in comparison. it even had multiple shower stalls in the head.
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So I'm in the hospital waiting for the morning to get my achilles reattached. I had a growth on it the burst and took it with it. A couple years ago same thing on the other leg but didn't blow up the tendon so they cut around it. The Doc when doing my left knee commented about how I must be bothered by it, I laughed and told him pain is my friend.

I can trace everything back to 2006. I had the usual predeployment party at my house, my ex was complaining how I ate half the Costco shrimp cocktail before the guests showed. On Monday I got the medicinal smorgasbord of boosters. Two weeks later during Sunday surf and turf I broke out in rashes, couldn't breathe had a couple benadryl shots in the ass. A couple weeks later back stateside and suddenly allergic to everything so u deployable as everything would kill me.
My liberal ass after my weekend sponsored by Pepsi, little Caesar’s and LIV

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