Well, for the first time in my career on the ICU I had a friend's family member on the unit. I randomly saw my buddy getting out of the elevator. I noticed he was heading in the same direction as me. I was hoping he'd go to one of our step-down units, but he followed me to the ICU. He said his dad was on life support, and that he had a VAD inserted 7 years ago. I believe the average lifespan for a VAD patient is 5 years.
It was a bit surreal watching his dad wither away. I figured he wouldn't make it. I had a bit of anxiety that I'd have to respond to his dad coding.
I came in yesterday, and his room was empty. I checked our soiled utility room, and his dad's VAD equipment was in there, which means the patient has passed. At least he didn't code. They just removed life support. A code can be very traumatic for family members, so I'm glad my buddy and his family were able to say goodbye and not see the rawness of a code.
Needless to say, that one kicked me in the nuts a bit. Me and this dude used to drink HANDLES together. Partied hardy through our early-to-mid 20s. I didn't see him for a while, then I randomly saw him at a bar a year ago, and we hit it off like hardly any time went by. We weren't nearly as wild. We're a fair bit older now.
I sent him a text when I saw they took his father off life support. He said he read it to his mom, and she was very touched by it. That was a gut punch for me. That poor woman. She was there day in and day out. The spouses normally are if they're retired. Find you a good woman, boys!