Actually see a reasonable number of bimmers and Audis at the track... there was like a late 90s BMW something something (like E36 3 series?) that used to race a class or two up in our endurance series, and I wanna say like an A6 maybe even at the 25 hours?
Audi brought that one FWD TT that was raced the **** out to the 25hrs a few years ago, that thing seemed cool until one of their crew members seemed to accidentally pull the fire system on a pit stop and it was retired for "transmission failure"
You don't have to have rear engine crazyness or snap oversteer... oversteer doesn't have to be spinning, but you should be on the throttle, at that edge where lifting make you turn in more, and gassing it causes it to turn less, and you can steer while leaving the wheel straight keeping the slip angle the same at the front and rear.... Cause that is faster, and super fun.
Also, many gokarts have
no brakes, lift to stop