How about hapless or unlucky?
Fear the Walking Dead gets better by the week.
I am want to know what
kingsfan, Kovacro, trollposo, and Martin Sheen think.
I withhold my judgment until we get to see this alleged zombie plane episode, which it seems like will be a few weeks away yet.
The proposed webisodes will be set during the same time period as Fear The Walking Dead and it is presumed the plane will be en route to Los Angeles where that series is set.
One character will survive the airborne zombie apocalypse and become part of the cast for season two of the show.
It's not yet known how long the special will be - but following its debut online, it's believed that the story will continue in a series of smaller chapters that will be posted online and broadcast during commercial breaks on AMC during Fear The Walking Dead.
This last episode was very good, I am interested in the back story for the barber. I hope there is some Gus Fring type of background but with a short season I doubt we will find out.Fear the Walking Dead gets better by the week.
I am want to know what
kingsfan, Kovacro, trollposo, and Martin Sheen think.
Every time I see a photo of Kylie Jenner I think to myself, "That's the most realistic clay model I've ever seen."