I'm not 'for' smoking. I'm for fairplay.
By any metric you want to select, booze costs society more than tobacco does. So until you and joe and Gord are willing to make the same statements about alcohol that you make about tobacco, then ... well you see my problem.
As for the oft repeated fallacy that smokers cost the healthcare system money, it couldn't possibly be true. First of all, nobody pays more tax than smokers - especially in Canada. Even a pack a day habit in Canada would equal several thousand dollars in tax over a single year. It is not the fault of smokers that the tax revenue derived from their consumption of a
legal product is wasted by the government instead of being used to offset any medical costs created by the taxpayer. Have a look at these numbers. Most articles that claim smokers cost the system money make no effort at all to take into account the tax revenue generated by tobacco. Government isn't stupid though ... they see what a cash cow tobacco is. Why do you think they want to go ahead an legalize pot?
Second, many medical professionals now argue that smokers, drinkers and the obese actually save the system money by (in general) dying earlier and
not becoming a long term burden on the system. A google search turns up many articles supporting this claim.
And finally, people have a right to smoke in their own homes because Canada is supposed to be a free country where the enjoyment of
legal pursuits should not be infringed on by folks who think being a 'notable hazard' is reason enough.