I never played the game so I don't really care what it or the show is supposed to be 'about'. But I think the pretty obvious theme being delivered here is in the letter Bill left telling Joel he protected his so make sure you protect yours, meaning Tess, but Tess is already dead and now he's travelling with Ellie. He's reluctant at the moment sticking to something of an asshole persona but I mean the show opened up showing him as a very dedicated dad with a loving daughter conveniently the same age as Ellie now with everything going to shit when he lost her.its also more so about loss and survival. there's only one thing that happens in the entire game that has anything to do with love and at the same time creating a monster. well already was a monster but more so now.
I also watched the Documentary for the 1st game,
Ive been a huge fan of this game since it's release in 2013 and I never seen so many people try to argue it's about love since this 3rd episode released. actually now that I think of it I dont think at any time since 2013 anyone argued this game was about love over loss and survival so I think I will just have to disagree with you. maybe the show is taking that direction but the game is not
Im sorry but one act at the end doesn't over weigh the rest of the game, it's not about love and its not a love story
I don't know exactly where this is going and I'm sure it's not just going to be all touchy feally but taking a detour to tell an unrelated love story aside it isn't complicated how it fits in. Plus the convenient loot factor.