I'm looking for some expert jersey advice. I recently purchased a Starter Cubist Yotes white away, because it's one of my all-time favorites (and it was very cheap!). It really is sharp, but, unfortunately, it appears to have been owner personalized: Lyons, #92. No such player, no such number, and the Coyotes weren't even in Phoenix in '92. I don't care much, because I bought it for the looks, but I'd prefer it either with another name and number (Rusty's, perhaps, in honor of his biggest fan, who's been missing in action for quite some time) or without anything, at all. What can I do? Will it mess it up to take the name and numbers off? Would replacing them cover up the mess? How and where would I go to have it done, assuming I can and should? Any help from the Hockey Sweater Mavens will be appreciated!