ya know, i'm generally pro freedom of speech, but did they really have to make the new osu hockey jerseys a giant pro-legalization advertisement?
Kids: Just Say No to Dzingel

ya know, i'm generally pro freedom of speech, but did they really have to make the new osu hockey jerseys a giant pro-legalization advertisement?
Kids: Just Say No to Dzingel
Offbeat question:
Bobrovsky '12-'13 SKA St. Petersburg
Where do I find it?
Offbeat question:
Bobrovsky '12-'13 SKA St. Petersburg
Where do I find it?
Question, I am interested in buying a CBJ jersey, either a Gaborik or Dubinsky. I think the ones at the arena are overpriced ($200), where would you recommend I look. The NHL Shop online has them for $185 (plus s/h). Sportsk.com has them for $165.
Anyone have any tips for me? Thanks.
Question, I am interested in buying a CBJ jersey, either a Gaborik or Dubinsky. I think the ones at the arena are overpriced ($200), where would you recommend I look. The NHL Shop online has them for $185 (plus s/h). Sportsk.com has them for $165.
Anyone have any tips for me? Thanks.
This really is not an easy question to answer. First off this is just my opinion, but the Reebok replica's are garbage and IMO the extra spent on an authentic is well worth it. But then you run into another problem in that the correct authentics (Edge 2.0 with the wordmark logo) that someone like Gaborik or Dubinsky wear is not for sale to the public anyway so if you want an authentic you have to settle for the older style Edge 1.0's with the vector logo. Still IMO a Edge 1.0 is miles ahead of a replica and their screen printed patches. And for the sake of being briefI'm not even going to cover Indgo Edge jerseys.
Now on to the lettering. The Blue Line seems to get it right most of the time, but their E's are wrong and they use the wrong material for the nameplates, but they are sewn on and look good for the most part. NHL.com is heatpressed junk. Sports K I am not sure how their work looks, but a lot of pleases out there use the totally wrong font on the letters and numbers and they just look bad. I have sent jerseys to exclusivepro.com and other then their E's are wrong they do good work, but I'm not sure what they charge now days. If I had to guess somewhere around $65 for the lettering.
All of the info above is why I sold most of my replica and authentics and now only buy game worn jerseys.
If you're set on only buying a replica I would spend the $200 at the Blue Line. Sure it might be a little more, but at least you can see it in person before buying and you know what you're getting. If you buy from anywhere else you really don't know what you're getting.
If you're still reading this lol and are interested in an authentic let me know and I can try to help you out.
There doesnt seem to be much of a resell market for Jackets jerseys? Im looking for a authentic current jersey and short of buying one of the no name, game worn ones at the games, I dont see much out there. Forgive me if Im missing something as Im new to the boards