Street Fighter 5 is like 9 days away. I'm awful at fighting games and was awful at SF4, but apparently they've made it much more casual-friendly. Apparently easier to do combos in this one compared to SF4..there used to be combos that you had something like a 1.5 second time frame to press the next input otherwise you would drop the combo and your opponent could retaliate. Might have to pick it up because it's a very visually appealing game.
Has anyone heard of/seen Might Number 9? It's like a successor to Mega Man that apparently has some sort of online/player-vs-player component. Super hyped for that to come out..except they keep pushing back the release date.
Has anyone heard of/seen Might Number 9? It's like a successor to Mega Man that apparently has some sort of online/player-vs-player component. Super hyped for that to come out..except they keep pushing back the release date.