Against my better judgment, I watched Discovery Season 4 this weekend... all 11 hours of it.
I thought that Picard Season 2 was bad, but at least it's a very pale imitation of much better past Trek shows and movies. Discovery doesn't resemble Trek at all. In Season 4, all everyone does is cry, hug and talk about their feelings and insecurities. Seriously, all of their free time between action is spent in virtual therapy sessions with one another. No one on board the ship is mentally stable, save for maybe Saru (who sort of gets a love story, believe it or not). You wonder how the ship even functions when almost everyone is a basket case.
Somehow, the writers managed to make Burnham more irritating. Now that she's Captain, she's even bossier and even bosses around the Federation President. Seriously, when the President tries to put her in her place, she reminds her who it was that solved the Burn in Season 3 and then tells the President to never speak like that to her again. If that isn't enough, she saves the universe (again) in the end by not asking but telling a more highly advanced species to stop what it's doing. That superior lifeform then virtually apologizes to her and promises to never do it again. It doesn't matter if you're the Federation President or a species that can destroy the Federation if it wants to. You exist to bend the knee to Michael Burnham. She might just be worst character ever written, but certainly the worst Star Trek character ever written, much worse than Wesley Crusher, Dr. Pulaski, Lwaxana Troi, Barclay and Neelix. In fact, I'm imagining a show featuring all of those and thinking that I'd prefer to see that than another season of this.
Anyways, I can't believe that I'm actually looking forward to the next Picard episode now.