Ahhh yes, he's hated because he's a "charismatic black guy". It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he essentially implied out in the open that the front office had no intention of making moves to create a winner. Another time he ran to Twitter to cry that he wasn't informed/consulted about Ryan Goins being released. He seemingly spent a full year actively trying to create or promote a rift between the fans who follow him on Twitter, and the front office. But what, it's supposed to be some shock that they perhaps don't want him back? If you openly try to criticize your employer on social media, do you think they'd be interested in re-hiring you? He even tried to rile the fans up when he lost his arbitration case - making it seem like the front office were "the bad guys" for daring to play by the rules of the CBA LMAO.
He's a picture perfect example of an egomaniac, and he's a dangerous one at that because he can't prevent himself from using victim tactics and self promotion as a means of creating outrage that only benefits HIMSELF. The fact that he has the gall to parade around his "Duke degree" is comical - there are guys in pro sports who went to schools like Harvard, and I've never seen any of them flip it into some "look at me! I have a Harvard degree" spectacle. The fact that he went to Duke does not in any way validate his opinions or even suggest that he's "smart".