Registered User
If it works, why in the blue blazes would the NHL want to go anything for the GD IOC? The league provides 90% of the talent, 100% of the upper end talent and for this they have to interrupt their season to accommodate the 5 tings, and for this opportunity, the owners and the players assume ALL the risk, get precisely zero of the reward ( Olympic participation has NEVER helped the nhl and FCS the NHL can't even use clips of players under contract AT the olympics to even try to tie into the fair weather nationalistic fans).
And if it doesn't turn into a WMC level dumpster fire, the next iteration with qualifying will replace the IOC who can then find out the draw of the talent they deserve based on how much they pay them.
If the nhl can use its players to run a tournament themselves, what the hell do they need the Iihf/ioc for?
If you didn't recognize the last question as rhetorical,I'll answer it for you: nothing.
You just spent the last few days adamant that the World Cup is not an international tourney, and that it was never designed to be that way. So the Olympics is the only international best on best tournament that the players care about.