and baseball's champs are called world series winner and you can buy a " world's greatest dad' mug at pretty much any mall.
people feigning surprise as to what the explict nature of this tourney IS, should do a better job keeping up. I dont care if they call it is NHL/NHLPA best on best invitational tournament. what its called means little as to what it is.
but I'm sure, absolutely convinced, that you dont have ANY reservations calling the " best of the rest" tournament that the IIHF holds during the NHL playoffs the " world championships".
16 countries participate, over 741,000 spectators for the event, fans from all those countries and more show up, it's Hockey biggest World party, does not matter who is on the ice, it's the event that makes this global.
Over 700 million across the World tune in to this tournament every year.
It's not the players that make a World event, it's the fans, the people who watch Worldwide.
Watching those fans in tampa bay yesterday was pretty fun, the fans seem to have a great time at these NHL games, keep it up. Sucks to be an NHL fan when in game atmosphere is only good in 7 cities and those being in Canada.
This NHL Cup is meaningless, no one in Finland, Sweden, Russia, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Denmark and even CANADA etc, give one hoot about it. 90% of people don't know it exists.
The nhl has only one life ambition. To get american dollars from american people. It's run by americans for americans and does not do anything globally other then try to grow the game for USA Hockey.
Be realistic, no one cares, it's a cash grab because this league only cares about the dollar and trying to get more money in a country that barely cares about Hockey.
It'll be serious the day they hold it in Europe and promote it in all the Hockey countries, until then, it's a farce even then it'll always be.
Lol I still remember Patrice Bergeron's face when they were having a press conference and buttman said, this will be the most prestigious tournament, Bergeron wanted to puke, what an idiot lol.