Since when has Armia been a center? Anyway, while Sallinen shouldn't be the 2C of a team like this in any situation resembling ideal, he's not as big of an offensive blackhole as Lammikko is.
Suomela is apparently sidelined as a "precaution" - but whether he's out for a longer while or not, I wouldn't mind seeing the NHLers together in the same line. Some would bump Armia up, but Kapanen was one of the players who managed to look good vs. USA, so he might deserve a promotion.
Kapanen - Rantanen - Kakko
Pesonen - Manninen - Hartikainen
Sallinen - Lammikko - Armia
Oksanen - Björninen - Anttila
As an added benefit, no one would have to be on their off wing. Kapanen can play both.
But let's see how the game vs. Germany goes.