Shop CCM FT Ghost Composite Hockey Stick - Senior from Pure Hockey. We offer the largest selection of Composite Hockey Sticks at the lowest prices, guaranteed.
$370 before tax....
I literally can't comprehend stick prices who is buying these sticks and how is there a market???
If you want a good top of the line stick with good feel and pop your'e simply gonna get raped. its honestly making me think if it's worth it to keep playing. these sticks break like toothpicks sometimes too.
i dont wanna scour a bunch of bougy websites and places trying to find a steal just to get a decent price on a good stick that i can comfortably afford and not worry about breaking and being SoL.
In fairness, you can get a good stick, with good feel and pop, for much cheaper. There are options.
1. The top of the line sticks that are several year old didn't suddenly become low tier sticks.
2. Brands like Hockeystickman, all black, Twig, Revolt, etc. As somebody else mentioned prostickhockey.
3. STX usually has fair prices and offer good sticks.
4. Learn how to shoot left handed if you don't already. You will benefit from the sales.
It's odd that CCM JetSpeed went in the direction of changing the shaft. Maybe it's just for the ghost?
I agree, though, the prices are getting outrageous. The warranties don't get better. I would never pay full price for top of the line sticks from top brands.