For your sake I hope it doesn’t smell like a stank oven!By the end of the tournament, I hope this pick doesn't have a foul Fyodor
Fyodor Svechkov
He wasn’t going to make it to you. Svechkov was next on my list, with Stankoven as my back up plan. Though I was having real problems coming up with the Svechkov pun, so in the end I’ve never been so good with losing out on my player.Damn you Christien!!! isak very mad at you!
I’ll go Isak Rosen Forward Sweden
Maybe a lil off the grid here but I’m Nikita-worried about it.
nikita Chibrikov Rus Forward
He might, but you can't just take it for gransted.Helge Grans
Hopefully Helget me some points
There are just no Garandtees when it comes to goaltending!It's in my name and it's risky but I'll have a Garand ol' time if it pays off. (Last year I took Gauthier, it most certainly did not pay off)
G Dylan Garand, CAN