Guys, the reason why discussing whether or not Eugene caused this illness himself is extremely inappropriate, unnecessary, and is not like a "normal forum discussion", is because this topic serves NO purpose.
The ONLY thing happening when you do that, whether intentionally or not, is it ends up evaluating whether or Melnyk deserves to live, and can ONLY act as a deterrent from people wanting to save his life.
Now, you might be thinking, "Well, that's not how I see it. For me, its a discussion about honesty and rights of the donor."
Although your intentions are pure (sort of, I guess), you're treating the situation as a point of drama, and are failing to empathize with the person. We have NO idea if this has anything to do with him liking to drink. Imagine if someone who knows Eugene personally (or he himself) read something like that.
He could be pronounced terminal as early as next week, and people are just casually discussing like its his own fault. Who does that help? What purpose does it serve other than a form of entertainment for people to discuss, like an episode of Game of Thrones or Lost.
Sometimes there's things that do not NEED to be said, even if it seems like a fun topic to talk about.