Better set design and cinematography than other recent Star Wars shows, particularly Mando season 3. Some scenes still feel a little too obviously Volume-y for me, but they do a much better job about maximizing the strengths and working around the shortcomings of the Volume than Mando did in season 3.
It's a little bit of "Star Wars Paint by Numbers" at times. Capital ship flying across screen after the title crawl? Check. Lightsaber battle in a narrow corridor? Check. Jedi macguffin? Check. Land speeder chase and evasion? Check. Probe droid making probe droid noises? Check. Stuffy bipedal droid? Check. Jedi apprentice unsure if they're ready? Check. At least the giant spaceship isn't a Death Star this time.
It can also feel a little bit too much like a video game at times.
I still have a hard time viewing Rosario Dawson as Ahsoka. She's not doing anything wrong, per se, and she's doing a good enough job portraying the mournful, contemplative side of Ahsoka, but it's missing the defiant, sarcastic, spunky, cunning Ahsoka. Filling Ashley Eckstein's shoes was going to be a big challenge for anyone.
Lekkus still don't look very good in live action. They're fine for background characters, and they're fine on bigger roles in animation, but having multiple lead characters with them in live action is clunky.
Order 66? More like Order 66% effective. New survivors just keep cropping up.
Silly gripe that would apply to all sort of Star Wars media - but that puzzle map only has 1296 combinations. A droid should be able to brute force that solution in moments.
It drops you in expecting you to know and care about these characters. The fact they go as far as recreating the last shot from Rebels will go over the heads of new viewers.
Seeing The Phantom did bring back some feels for me, as a fan of Rebels. More so than the characters, funny enough.
"Because you're a hologram" is the best quip in Star Wars in a long, long time.
Chopper's sounds are definitely English turned into R2 beep noises.
I liked Sabine better with long hair.
The end credits really want you to know this is a Dave Filoni project.

I'm shocked we didn't see him in his hat as a background character somewhere.