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You want to know something that I'm sure will shock your preconceptions to the core? I like this season so far better than the previous 2. It's focused more on the ensemble of the Discovery crew. It's less wrapped up in Burnham and her savior-complex mary-sueness and constant need to have everyone validate how awesome she is.
I can agree with this. I still don't like this season, but it's not as offensive to me as the last two. I think that that's because, as you said, it's a little bit more about the whole crew and it's 900 years in the future, so there's little fan service or screwing with canon. It can almost be taken as generic sci-fi. One review somewhere said that it feels more like The Expanse than Star Trek, which I somewhat agree with because there's so little left to tie it to the Trek we know that it feels like a new universe.
Speaking of which, that's yet another reason that I keep watching: it's sci-fi and there's so little sci-fi these days. Even mediocre sci-fi is better than no sci-fi.
I was ready to quit the show after episode 1 of the season and so far I don't regret sticking it out as far as I've watched (episode 5 I think? The one where Burnham gets chewed out for going off half-cocked on her own mission in defiance of the Admiral and Saru's orders. Finally).
That was Episode 6, the one that I joked that you made me watch. I had a feeling that you'd like the way that it ended.