Haha, well I'm firmly convinced that a lot of the dislike isn't real. The one thing about the last episode that bugged me was when they were like "we can send her out there and then claim she went rogue" but when Osira does the Bugs Bunny "this means war" bit, no one even tries to use that excuse. But it's really not important.
This thread was part of what pushed me to finally get on Reddit, and I'm much better off for it. I only come in here to make sure that the negativity is still so pervasive. It helps me to know that some things can truly be relied on. Not that there isn't negativity on Reddit, but plenty of positivity about the show as well.
What a ridiculously condescending and arrogantly assumptive post. The idea that you've just up and decided that the dislike here isn't "real" and Reddit is inherently a superior fandom collective because people choose to like the show is ridiculous. Equally ridiculous is the presumption that all those evil Discovery haters are keeping people out of here. Because aside from yourself, who was at any point a significant discusser of the show and has departed because of the tone of this thread? Dating back to season 1 when discussion was far more active my memory is mostly of the same people that have remained the most active up until now. Me, Osprey, Blender, LeafalCrusader. johnjm22 used to post here but his posts tended to be critical so he likely wasn't driven away by the tone of the thread as much as it's possibly he just stopped watching. RobBrown4PM also used to post but he too was critical. The only posters I can think of that were more positive about the show were Cloned and Jussi, and neither of them were as frequent contributors to the thread even at the beginning. But ooooh no, all the evil, evil grinches who hate Star Trek scared them off because we demanded that anyone who posted in the thread make a blood sacrifice and chant "I hate Discovery and everything about it" to be able to post. right?
But less flippantly: Who are you to tell me whether my subjective opinion of a show is valid or not? Should I not then do the same and say your starry-eyed support of it is just mindless fawning fanboyism that franchises rely on? Shallow, bleating yes-fans who lap up everything that gets stamped with a favored name as if it's not just an acceptable piece of the legacy, but an actively beneficial one?
Of course I wouldn't do that because that's dumb. People can like what they do and dislike what they don't. The fact that you're trying to wrap up your opinion of the group on here in a neat little bow of "look at the haters just barking about the show to be negative because they can" is... insane. You say you come here just to bask in the constancy of the dislike but between that comment itself and the general tone of several others, it seems more like you come here to lord your fandom over the rest of us because liking the show automatically makes you a "better" fan in your eyes.
You want to know something that I'm sure will shock your preconceptions to the core? I like this season so far better than the previous 2. It's focused more on the ensemble of the Discovery crew. It's less wrapped up in Burnham and her savior-complex mary-sueness and constant need to have everyone validate how awesome she is. I still haven't loved some of the lazy writing choices and elements of some characters still bug me (mostly Tilly) but I'm coming around on at least several of the others (Detmer and the conn officer's (I'm not even going to risk trying to spell her name) partners-in-crime friendship is fun. Stammets is far less of an irredeemable dick than he was at the start. Adira looks potentially interesting in spite of my misgivings of how they've gone about the pseudo-Trill aspect of the character. Saru is recovering from what I felt was a damaging shift in his characterization when he "evolved" out of his fearful prey stage. Oded Fehr's Admiral guy is about as interesting as most bureaucratic admiralty characters tend to get. I even think I might not mind Book even if David Ajala is kind of playing the same sort of roguish ne'er-do-well that he has in previous roles like on Supergirl). I was ready to quit the show after episode 1 of the season and so far I don't regret sticking it out as far as I've watched (episode 5 I think? The one where Burnham gets chewed out for going off half-cocked on her own mission in defiance of the Admiral and Saru's orders. Finally). The show hasn't gotten up to the level where I'd put it on par with the other Treks except
maybe TOS season 3 since that was mostly utter crap, but it is at least improving. But certainly this only shows that I'm being a mindless sheep who's only here to rag on the show so I can hang out with the cool kids, right?
You're more then welcome to disagree with my take, or Osprey's, or Blender's or anyone else's. But to dress it up the way you have in a seeming bid for superiority makes any attempt to pretend you ever wanted actual discussion or understanding quite disingenuous, insulting, and disrespectful. And therein lies a difference. Because while I might have rarely if ever agreed with your take on the show, at no point did I ever make an effort to denigrate you for holding a different opinion as you seemingly have to the rest of us here.