Not sure what Jordan did to revolutionalise NBA, but I get what
@sethro109 is saying. McDavid is able to function at peak level when he's at his fastest speed. That is talent in its rawest form, but you can't revolutionise something that other people can't do. How many other players can skate as well as him and make plays a that speed?
I can name maybe two that are the closest; Makar and Bure. However, Makar plays a tougher position and can potentially match McDavid where you can make the argument that Cale is more talented. Nonetheless, Makar is not even close to being as good of a stickhandler as McDavid is, I've seen too many weird plays where the puck falls off of Makar's stick. Bure isn't as fast of a skater nor has the vision Connor has.
It is the same reason why I don't understand why people want to go to the NBA as the majority will NEVER reach that level since they need to be at minimum 6'4" to get anywhere and the average height of most of humanity has been between 5'6" and 5'10". I do not tell any kid to play like McDavid because it is almost impossible to play like him, he's a peacock in a world of magpies. Just like most people wanting to get into the NBA will never reach it as height is always going to be a factor for 99% of the players. You can't change genetics.
Definitely the Coors Light. I dislike most beer and even I know it's practically piss water.