Smith, 5pts, -5 in last 38 games


Registered User
Jan 1, 2004
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So the myth of Smith having some kind of untapped, dynamic skill-set continues on HF. Despite all the evidence to the contrary. It's Babcock's fault, it's his partner's's always somebody else's fault that Smith isn't even a mediocre passer, can't get shots through or shoot accurately and makes low percentage plays with the puck. He's still an offensive dynamo just needing the right circumstances to break out. When do we call a spade a spade?

All evidence to the contrary would be Smith getting an extended tryout on the powerplay and doing nothing with it. Until he nixes the idea that he can be a PP specialist by, well, not doing it, his career and nature still suggests he could produce there.


Registered User
Aug 3, 2005
All evidence to the contrary would be Smith getting an extended tryout on the powerplay and doing nothing with it. Until he nixes the idea that he can be a PP specialist by, well, not doing it, his career and nature still suggests he could produce there.
My question would be what assets does he bring to a PP? He's not a good passer, not a patient player who thinks a step ahead, doesn't have a accurate shot...what does Brendan Smith do well to deserve significant PP time? I agree his "nature" is to think offense...he just doesn't have the skill to make things happen.

Run the Jewels

Make Detroit Great Again
Jun 22, 2006
In the Garage
the stat behind the link doesn't measure how well player carries the play. it measures how tough competition they face.

Good point. However his Corsi when playing crappy competition has been abysmal.

Hudler is a forward. How is he comparable to Smith?

They are similar players: high offensive skill set but suck at preventing the opposition from scoring. Hudler has more than fulfilled the expectations from when he was drafted, Smith has not come anywhere close to doing so.
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Registered User
Jan 1, 2004
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My question would be what assets does he bring to a PP? He's not a good passer, not a patient player who thinks a step ahead, doesn't have a accurate shot...what does Brendan Smith do well to deserve significant PP time? I agree his "nature" is to think offense...he just doesn't have the skill to make things happen.

He's plenty good at passing. He's also very quick in the offensive zone and has some creativity up his sleeve, more so than anyone not named Kronwall. I'm also not seeing a shot that is any less accurate that pretty much anyone else on the team. But there is little point in pointing this out to you when you had your mind made up about Smith eons ago.

The more important point you seem to be overlooking is that getting consistent PP time could help his development. Powerplay time by its very nature is in-game practice for your offensive skills. There's also no telling what it could do for his confidence, and how that could translate to the rest of his game at even strength.

I'll never forget one of the last games Kyle Quincey played for the Wings before he was waived. It was either a blow-out and he was seeing PP time, or there was a shift of extended pressure in the offensive zone while he was out there. Either way, the puck came to him a few times while he was at the point, and he got off some of the most pathetic shots I've ever seen from an NHL defenseman. It was so bad it was comical. The puck looked like it was moving in slow motion. By the next year, he was on the top PP unit in LA alongside Doughty putting up nearly 40 points.

Ergo, I really don't understand why some think its a ludicrous argument to say that Smith, under the right circumstances, could be a better player than what he is now. Its not like he's Brian Lashoff - there are flashes of brilliance that you can see almost nightly. I don't think anyone is saying that Smith looks like some offensive dynamo at even strength, but its silly not to give him time to become comfortable on the powerplay and see what he does with it. If he does nothing, then fine. Let's dump him. But I'm reluctant to judge him in such a hard and fast way until we've explored some of the most reasonable routes to help him take his game to the next level.


Registered User
Mar 8, 2012
Smith's 1 point was 5 games ago and it was a great play on the powerplay. I'd like to put him in Franzen's PP spot for a couple weeks, see what he can do.


MVP Backhand Slapper
Sep 13, 2013
Guru Meditation
Smith lkes to rush the puck and does a good job of it but I can't even count the number of times he has been coming up on the net from the side and does just a soft shot into the pads. I expected more offence and that hope might be dead.

So many D in this team have crazy swings, up and down, up and down. Smith, Q, Ericsson, Kronwall, even Kindl.

Actual Thought*

They are similar players: high offensive skill set but suck at preventing the opposition from scoring. Hudler has more than fulfilled the expectations from when he was drafted, Smith has not come anywhere close to doing so.

I don't see the comparison at all. Smith is still inexperienced. Most NHL D-men hit their stride after a few years in the league. Way too early to call it.


Hanas chirps per 60 record holder
Jun 8, 2007
My question would be what assets does he bring to a PP? He's not a good passer, not a patient player who thinks a step ahead, doesn't have a accurate shot...what does Brendan Smith do well to deserve significant PP time? I agree his "nature" is to think offense...he just doesn't have the skill to make things happen.

I fall in the middle of this conversation. I largely agree with this post. The calls on this board this season for Smith to replace Dekeyser on the PP point are misguided. Smith's style is not that of a PP QB. It never really has been, and for good reasons, as you mention.

That said, I'm not opposed to having Smith on the PP in a different role. He was prolific in college on the PP, and a vast majority of that success was as a triggerman on his off-wing. He'd hover up to the blueline on occasion, in order to cycle, but would largely play down around the half boards and top of the faceoff circle, looking to unleash one-timers. I can see him succeeding in a similar role in Detroit. His shot and his passing is good enough in that capacity.

On the other hand, we have plenty of capable forwards to fulfill that role, so I'm not actively campaigning to get Smith in there.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2013
Meh I suppose the argument will never end. But I just don't understnad how ppl can't comprehend how ppl can consider someone a failure when they aren't being used toward their strength. To me it's like putting glendening 1st line Center and wondering why he isn't scoring 100pts a year. Smith in a defensive role, playing limited even strength minutes with grinder lines and no pp time is not going to produce points. I don't know how we can **** on him for that. Does he make his mistakes? Fo sho. who doesn't tho. Lidstroms gone. The era of the perfect mistake free defensman are gone. Some of u can't seem to let go lol.


Forever Lost.
May 18, 2012
Trenton, MI
I've been disappointed by the defense lately.

Especially Ericsson. I really think needs to be sat a few games just to see if he can shape up. If not, then Holland should consider trading him for a pick or in a package for a top 4 RHD/LHD.

Smith, I'm still not ready to give up on. He's shown brilliance in the o-zone. Obviously he should get pp time, but for whatever reason, Babcock doesn't. If he's afraid of giving up odd man rushes, he shouldn't. It already happens.


Quincey was trash last year and has been great this year. Almost everyone on this board has said as much.

And yet you make this comment in a thread dedicated to bashing Smith when no such thread for Quincey exists. :shakehead

Quincey WAS NOT trash last year, that's my point.


Registered User
Jan 12, 2009
All evidence to the contrary would be Smith getting an extended tryout on the powerplay and doing nothing with it. Until he nixes the idea that he can be a PP specialist by, well, not doing it, his career and nature still suggests he could produce there.

Getting some power play points now and again isn't going to absolve him of his terrible decision-making with the puck. He's just not a great player. I don't understand why people continue to defend him as if he's going to turn it around and become the top-pairing guy they drafted him to be.


Registered User
Jan 23, 2014
Western Australia
Smith's 1 point was 5 games ago and it was a great play on the powerplay. I'd like to put him in Franzen's PP spot for a couple weeks, see what he can do.

It was a simple pass to Tatar who did ALL the work on that. Dekeyser made exactly the same play like 5 minutes earlier. It wasnt a great play. It was just the right choice. It was actually a very easy play.

Please dont use this as an example of why he should be on the PP. It was also against the Sabres.


Registered User
Mar 20, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Getting some power play points now and again isn't going to absolve him of his terrible decision-making with the puck. He's just not a great player. I don't understand why people continue to defend him as if he's going to turn it around and become the top-pairing guy they drafted him to be.

I don't get the love for the guy either. Smith is simply not good. Face it. He's a bust, along with Kindl.


Registered User
Sep 28, 2011
I don't get the love for the guy either. Smith is simply not good. Face it. He's a bust, along with Kindl.
Don't forget people were throwing his name around with Lidstrom. Lidstrom.

Which is funny because Lidstroms hockey IQ is 180. Smiths? 18.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2015
I think it has A LOT to do with who is partner is. last year he played great with kronwall and dekeyser BUT terrible with kindl and Quincy. Its clear that hasn't changed.

Actual Thought*

Why does everyone clamor for granting jobs to prospects and then when they don't produce immediately give up long before the player even develops?


Registered User
Nov 20, 2012
Never really been big on Smith, even when he was at Wisconsin

I always hope Holland can get a good deal and trade him now while he still has some value compared to 5 years down the road if he doesn't pan out like we thought he might

Actual Thought*

Never really been big on Smith, even when he was at Wisconsin

I always hope Holland can get a good deal and trade him now while he still has some value compared to 5 years down the road if he doesn't pan out like we thought he might
I seriously doubt he will be traded. He still has a lot of development ahead of him. Just like any young defman in the nhl. Lucky for us the wings are great at developing talent.


Registered User
Sep 24, 2010
Smith has been a very interesting prospect/player for me. He seemed to fall victim to inflated expectations and many seem disappointed with his overall progress. I wanted to believe that he was going to be as successful as many touted him from his success in junior play, however with all prospects, I temper my expectations due to prior prospect failures.

The point of this is this – Smith is still young with plenty of room to grow as player and specifically for offensive defensemen. You don’t abandon a young defensemen with offensive upside whose 25 years old. He has all the tools to be a very impactful defenseman in this league. He, like all young d-men, needs to develop the mind and patience to allow the game to naturally develop, when to be opportunistic, and when to make the simple play.


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