You missed the biggest one,. IMO
Dubas signed too few players, to too much money $$, and as a result Leaf Nation fans now sees too few playoff games. Its really that simple !!!
Its the situation the Leafs team find themselves annually as a result of greenhorn GM overpaying his star players to build a core, that results in only regular season success, but prevents a Cup competitive team, because you can't build successful depth around the core 4 forwards that consume 1/2 your salary cap.
Its the one constant the core 4, that remains the same each and every playoff loss, and its the one constant the GM refuses to address.
So when those core 4 do not show up in a game's boxscore, its expected your $1.65 mil 1A tandem goalie or your 3rd and 4th line players all making $1.5 mil or less playing for league minimum to bail the team out. So what is Dubas solution get a different goalie and move out some depth players and go bargain bin shopping for new ones and rinse and repeat, because you can't afford to keep your Hyman and Kadri type players for solid depth due strictly to Salary Cap mismanagement. So you tinker around the edges as busy work pretending it addresses the teams TRUE problem.
But why would Dubas change and address this, when its been shown year, after year, after year, that simply making the playoffs equals job security, for the President, the GM and the coach, and the playoff results don't matter?