I am not blaming Bezos, I am saying the system is wrong. Not talking about North America or Canada. The entire planet is messed up.
Imagine a family of four and then one parent gets sick. Can’t work. How many people have comfortable jobs with good benefits to survive that? You chose to be happy with how this whole thing works. I don’t. I think it sucks. It sucks that people can’t afford to go on a normal family vacation. Or put their kids into sports. And it’s getting worse because this whole system is being built just to make more money off of regular Joes. As I said, organic is a new gold. Make kids addicted to these social media apps so that you can make them pay to play with their friends, date new people etc. Again, I don’t hate the player, I hate the game in this case. And , to say it one more time, it’s looking worse and worse.
But we can disagree. It’s all good. After all this is a thread about someone spending $1B to purchase an NHL hockey team. Panem et circences. Bread and games. The crowd is happy.