GDT: Semi-final • Jan. 3 • Canada vs. Russia • 9 PM ET ‎- II

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Registered User
Dec 30, 2011
Reading Kuznetsovs wikipedia page, canadian fans totally writing rude things in there. :(

some ppl can't loose without being asshats. if you really care and have an account though, just revert to an earlier draft and lock it.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2011
Wanted Canada but honestly we're playing like trailer park meatheads. And wtf with the crowd, feels like the TD Garden (but without the W). What happened??

Crowd has been trash the whole tournament. Our team was good enough, no excuses. Lack of discipline has been obvious. I agree that if we would have smartened, up there is always a chance, but not after this garbage.


Registered User
It's great to see great hockey teams no matter what country they play for. Team Russia seems to be the team to beat this year. We have not had an answer for them and Canada's frustrations are evident. Seeing different team have success each year is good for the tournament and Team Canada has had a good run so far this decade.

Having said that, this game isn't done yet. Go Canada Go!


Registered User
Jan 2, 2009
What I'd like to know is why internet-posting fans have trouble losing with any class.

I've posted my share of criticism for the refs in this game, but made it clear in one post that I wasn't blaming them, and that Canada crapped their own bed there in the second.

I also don't like how people come on here and paint all Canadians with one brush. Let's just be honest there: people posting online are often internet tough-guys, and, due to the Canadian cultural obsessions with hockey, there are a lot of Canadians here. Just because you see a lot of Canadians not losing well in this thread doesn't mean ALL Canadians are like that; it just means that the internet hero segment is out in full force.

I rooted for other teams against the US because they're a rival, not because I HATE those countries. I just like to see a rival lose. The same is true of many fans in this thread. They like seeing Canada lose, but that gets tempers going. It gets tempers going for ANY team.


Blue-Line Dekes
Jul 8, 2011
I'm fine with Canada losing the game when they're being outplayed, which they are, but this reffing is painful to watch. Blatant interference, hooking, cheap shots (elbow to the head of Jenner when he didn't have the puck, should have been a major by international rules) and running the goalie all missed by the ref in favor of the Russians but they'll call the most marginal penalty on the Canadians, not to mention two phantom high-sticking calls.

It showcases Candians being unable to control their temper. Bite your tongue and battle back like Sweden did.

The reffing in that Sweden Finland game was a treat to watch. They let them play and didn't call slashing penalties for a tap so light that the player likely didn't feel it through his pants. Canada fell behind in this game legitimately but the refs have just ruined it after that.

run the rusky goalie like they did wedgewood...

I'm surprised they haven't. That was a dirty play. He went straight at the goalie from the blue-line in and kneed him in the head after the goal without making any attempt to avoid contact. If they allowed fighting in this tournament, these cheapshots wouldn't be happening.


Can you hear me now?
Sep 16, 2009
Kind of offtopic, but what's with the ripped off goal horns at the Dome? When Canada scored, it sounded like the Kings horn, and when Russia scored, it sounded like the Bruins horn.


Snubbed Again
Nov 24, 2006
Wow what a joke.

Russia is playing amazing but Canada is also beating themselves here too.

1) Horrible Changes
2) Average Goaltending (not blaming either goalie but they have not been stellar)
3) Terrible Penalties (Especially room for that)
4) Can't Finish

And for Jenner..for a guy who loves throwing act like that is despicable.

Lisa Needs Braces

Registered User
Apr 7, 2004
The main problem is that year after year, Canada relies on "the best defense is a good offense" mentality. Unfortunately, just based on the quality of the teams in the tournament, Canada dipsy doodles around teams like Latvia and Denmark with high octane offense and no defense. Those games are simply a giant game of keep away. By the time they face a team with similar offensive capabilities, they don't have the defensive game to keep up and they get burned. On almost all of the Russian goals, the guys on the ice are just standing around like pylons or making poor changes/poor passes leading to odd man rushes.

Furthermore, I've always believed that the best available players should play. Yes, it is a tournament for 19 year olds BUT that is no reason to exclude underage players if they are capable of contributing and are better then other 19 year olds trying out for the team. Half the really good players (Seguin being the example I can think of off the top of my head) don't even get to play in the tournament because they are in the NHL by the time they are 19 anyway. If they're good enough, let them play. Personally, I think it was a mistake to exclude MacKinnon (sp) from the camp as he could have very well played his way onto the team. He may only be 16 but if he has a better camp then someone else, he shouldn't be excluded on the basis of age.
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