The One & Only
I'm going to go with Grundy ... no more Clague.
I guess a surprise pick could still be Quick but I very much doubt it.
I guess a surprise pick could still be Quick but I very much doubt it.
I'd package them both and a pick for Jake BeanMacD is a good guy, but losing him really is the best case scenario if that is indeed their pick. Keeping Clague and Grundstrom is awesome.
Yeah, it's not the worst move for them. He'll be good for their chemistry.very little to pick from on the Kings. Taking a huge dude who is young and fights like the Mountain....makes sense.
Well if Kings play Vegas this year it’s Imama time!!!
I love MacD. Love having him around the locker room and all, but he's a 7th defenseman at BEST. This is really no loss at all for the Kings.
Unless there's more we don't know, Seattle is making some bizarre decisions.