Incorrect. The competition in the MHL is older than USHL.
Zharkov was used sparringly by the Silver Lions; Dikushin would have not gotten a chance with Red Army.
I don't understand half of what you're trying to say.
Anyhow, of all the former Soviet-state players to ever play in the USHL (since mid 1990s), a grand total of only 1 has made the NHL.
And considering these guys play there to get a head start on an NHL career, that's a HORRIBLE track record. How many played in the USHL? If you look at the number of "potential" stars that were growing up in Russia who got lost over the same span of years - it would be hard to argue their futility record also. Bottom line, USHL > MHL at this point. If you are looking to develop your game defensively, its the league to be in. I am glad Lysenko is also there this year.
not trueDikushin would have not gotten a chance with Red Army.
ya like staying over Russia helped guys like Svitov, Chistov, Yuri Alexandrov, and a lot of Russians since have been having trouble being what they were suppose to be like Zherdev, Vishnesvsky, and guy l ike Filitov is all over the boardJust keep Buchnevich out of North American leagues until he turns 20! Otherwise he will also be ruined.
ya like staying over Russia helped guys like Svitov, Chistov, Yuri Alexandrov, and a lot of Russians since have been having trouble being what they were suppose to be like Zherdev, Vishnesvsky, and guy l ike Filitov is all over the board
coming over never hurt a guy like Kulikov, Yakupov, Grigorenko, Burmistrov, Radulov
this is like any other player there are just as many successes as busts and it is like that with all players, it is not a league way of hurting them because a lot of guys thrive, I think over europe a lot of players get a high hype but put them in the North American way of playing and they are not the same player and this will not work itself out by playing longer over Europe because when they fave the NA game it will still be a shock to their game...the guys who work the hardest make the best of their training and it is as simple as that.
I remind you that Russian changed developing system, so your examples are irellevant. I recommend you to study it first.
Lets say about current situation. Guys like Kuznetsov, Tarasenko, Orlov, Bobrovsky, Sergei Kalinin, Pivtsakin etc have not suffer from staying at home. All of them played/play KHL regularly. Guys like Grigorenko, Yakupov, Khokhlachev, Telegin play junior hockey all the time.
Please tell about last 3 years, not before. It is not fair. Sweden did not produce so many great players in 1950´s. Is it fair to compare their development with current situation? I dont think so. You do it with Russians, it is not fair.
it is agent´s job. Agent wants to make money as soon as possible. Especially Larionov guy. Grigorenko, Yakupov, Namestnikov, Khokhlachev were drafted in KHL. They had do sign contracts for 3 or 5 seasons. They refused because agents ordered it. Agents said to them: "you have to leave as soon as possible if you want to be drafted by NHL". That is not about bad russian development system, but agents attitude. If these guys stayed at home, they would have the same quality or be better. Zharkov is another story, he was not drafted by KHL club, so he chose CHL.and unlike you i am not saying there is a right and wrong developement path as I think both are good, but curious as to way all the top russians are coming over CHL now, before you would never get Grigorenko, Yakupov, Burmistrov, Nemestnikov, Khokhlachev all come over....
the same Grigorenko, Yakupov, Burmistrov, Namestnikov, Khokhlachev if they stayed.Tarasenko and Kuznetsov would have been good no matter what league they played in.
it is agent´s job. Agent wants to make money as soon as possible. Especially Larionov guy. Grigorenko, Yakupov, Namestnikov, Khokhlachev were drafted in KHL. They had do sign contracts for 3 or 5 seasons. They refused because agents ordered it. Agents said to them: "you have to leave as soon as possible if you want to be drafted by NHL". That is not about bad russian development system, but agents attitude. If these guys stayed at home, they would have the same quality or be better. Zharkov is another story, he was not drafted by KHL club, so he chose CHL.
the same Grigorenko, Yakupov, Burmistrov, Namestnikov, Khokhlachev if they stayed.
ok, I said you why russian are coming over these days. Blame agents for it. Russians, Swedes, Finns dont need to go over, they have good developing system at home. Only Russians have to go over if they want to be drafted (at least, NHL GMs think so). That is problem and reason of leaving russian these days. No another reason!i wasn't blaming the russian system for these guys coming over I was curous as to why they were because it nevver happened before now seems like tons of high profile russian players are coming over, I was not blaming the system.
ya like staying over Russia helped guys like Svitov, Chistov, Yuri Alexandrov, and a lot of Russians since have been having trouble being what they were suppose to be like Zherdev, Vishnesvsky, and guy l ike Filitov is all over the board
coming over never hurt a guy like Kulikov, Yakupov, Grigorenko, Burmistrov, Radulov
Hossa did not play CHL
ok, I said you why russian are coming over these days. Blame agents for it. Russians, Swedes, Finns dont need to go over, they have good developing system at home. Only Russians have to go over if they want to be drafted (at least, NHL GMs think so). That is problem and reason of leaving russian these days. No another reason!
ok, he played.
you know but what I replied to is the person who said if the player comes to play in North America he will get ruined like all the others, and im saying the only way they do not turn out is if they do not want to work for it, that was the whole reason for post...the CHL is stats wise the top producing league in the world to NHL product and superstars of European, USA, Canadian etc have all came through the league and turned out sure players want to come over as well due to the fact to learn the north american game plus got MORE exposure than in are scouts every game....but like i said the first post here was to put the guy in place saying that the player will get ruined in the CHL which is NOT RIGHT TO SAY as the CHL produced more NHL talent than any other league and guys like Giroux and Crosby developed vvery well in the league......a lot of the Euro players that come over that never turn out come over and can not handle the physical play or do not bother working hard, and that is why they fail and people in europe just think they got ruined by the CHL but like canadian players...a lot of high profile prospects never turn out.
There's nothing inherently wrong with the CHL, its a fantastic development system.
The problem lies in the inherent RISK of changing development routes/styles at such a crucial age. Why take that risk if it isn't needed?.....and it isn't needed 99% of the time.
The reason: Greedy agent$ that prey on these kid's NHL dream. They'll say "Come to the CHL, its the fast-track to the NHL!"
Well, ok, its the fast-track for North Americans. But for Russians? (Not that it can't, or hasn't been done) but history has shown that developing in Russia (not the CHL) has been the faster track to the NHL.
do you say that those who failed in CHL did not work hard? What about cultural, social enviroment. Euro guy at the age of 16,17 changes his way of life. He is not prepared for it, mentally. He is without family, friends, girlfriend, does not speak english. It is bad for his development. It can be a reason of failure in many cases of euro guys. Why the guy does not work hard? Because he does not feel comfortable in new country, it is a social shock for him. It is not like he is lazy as you think. It is much easier to leave homeland at the age of 20-22 saying the only way they do not turn out is if they do not want to work for it,
do you know why? Look at numbers of NHL players. Majority are Canadians, NHL is canadian league! Btw J 20 SuperElit, swedish jr league, is much better in producing prospects for swedish Elitserien than CHL for NHL. Do you know why? J 20 SuperElit is swedish league. That a reason. I will write about euro CHLers laterthe CHL is stats wise the top producing league in the world to NHL product ....
the CHL produced more NHL talent than any other league and guys like Giroux and Crosby developed vvery well in the league......
not necessarily for a kid to become pro. You have tons of examples of players who was developed in Europe and became NHLers and sure players want to come over as well due to the fact to learn the north american game
how the hell does it help in developing? Coach develops kids, not scout. This pro-NHL hockey word is bad for developing kids in Europe. I support idea of europeans playing NHL. But I dont agree with (direct-indirect) luring guys at the age 16-19 years. You can come over at the age of 20-22, no problem. NHL GMs are not are scouts every game.
you could also say some are darned if they do and darned if they don't...after they develop playing a game that is different than North American hockey then come into a program that is about two way play and physical play well some players will have trouble making the adjustment later on too...
not true. If you are good enough you dont have any problem to adapt NA style of game at the age of 20-22. Examples? Malkin, Ovechkin, Adam Larsson, Hedman, Orlov, Bobrovsky, Nikitin, Nicklas Bäckström Nobody of them played CHL and all play NHL these days. CHL route is not better way of development than Elitserien, SM-liiga or KHL.after they develop playing a game that is different than North American hockey then come into a program that is about two way play and physical play well some players will have trouble making the adjustment later on too...
I agree with thisthat's not a knock on the CHL.....its 100% the fault of the player/agent/advisor, etc.
Dikushin would have not gotten a chance with Red Army.
I could agree with your opinion partially. I DO NOT agree with following
do you say that those who failed in CHL did not work hard? What about cultural, social enviroment. Euro guy at the age of 16,17 changes his way of life. He is not prepared for it, mentally. He is without family, friends, girlfriend, does not speak english. It is bad for his development. It can be a reason of failure in many cases of euro guys. Why the guy does not work hard? Because he does not feel comfortable in new country, it is a social shock for him. It is not like he is lazy as you think. It is much easier to leave homeland at the age of 20-22 years.
do you know why? Look at numbers of NHL players. Majority are Canadians, NHL is canadian league! Btw J 20 SuperElit, swedish jr league, is much better in producing prospects for swedish Elitserien than CHL for NHL. Do you know why? J 20 SuperElit is swedish league. That a reason. I will write about euro CHLers later
not necessarily for a kid to become pro. You have tons of examples of players who was developed in Europe and became NHLers and stars.
CHL draft 2009
SWE - 12 draftees
8 of them are now back in lower swedish leagues and norway
only Landeskog makes NHL
Zibanejad, Larsson drafte at the same draft year as Landeskog. Are they not good enouth to play NHL? Both developed in Sweden.
CHL draft 2010
SWE 6 draftees
3 of them are back to play lower swedish league Is not it a ruining a talent?
Swedes, Finns, Russians dont need to play CHL. They have great developing leagues at home. Slovaks, Czechs, Germans dont have developing programmes like Sweden etc. So coming over is a solution, I dont like it. I hope czech rep and slovakia will have MHL club as soon as possible to avoid coming over.
how the hell does it help in developing? Coach develops kids, not scout. This pro-NHL hockey word is bad for developing kids in Europe. I support idea of europeans playing NHL. But I dont agree with (direct-indirect) luring guys at the age 16-19 years. You can come over at the age of 20-22, no problem. NHL GMs are not competent.
you dont get my point. You say kids are great scouted in CHL and are not in Russia or so. Btw, they are, look at job of KHL scouting agency. Agent + "great scouting in CHL" is problem. You dont need to be scouted to become great player. Scout does not help you with development. He is doing his job, to find new talents. but he does not raise kids. I know it is all about getting drafted to NHL. You are scouted, you are drafted. Agents say kids "come over to play CHL because you will not be scouted and drafted". Nonsense and agents know it. Bobrovsky case to proove it.well for the scouts at every game if you actually read my post it was for exposure no where in that part did I put it was going to make them better????? not sure where you got that one from.
and why do they behave like that? I tell you why. Swedish kids know that thay have great league at home to develop, they dont need to play CHL to become NHLers. The same Finns and RussiansCHL does not produce top swedish players most times because none of the top swedish players come over to play...
Not, I have no problem with NA or USA, Canada. I like both countries. I dont like NHL policy to Europe, that is all.I can see you hate North America
and? Do you know that Zetterberg was drafted in 7th round? he plays NHL and has won SC. Drafting position is not important, all draft is not important.Landeskog did a good job over here eh, went from a potential 1st rounder to 2nd overall in the draft....
you dont get my point. You say kids are great scouted in CHL and are not in Russia or so. Btw, they are, look at job of KHL scouting agency. Agent + "great scouting in CHL" is problem. You dont need to be scouted to become great player. Scout does not help you with development. He is doing his job, to find new talents. but he does not raise kids. I know it is all about getting drafted to NHL. You are scouted, you are drafted. Agents say kids "come over to play CHL because you will not be scouted and drafted". Nonsense and agents know it. Bobrovsky case to proove it.
and why do they behave like that? I tell you why. Swedish kids know that thay have great league at home to develop, they dont need to play CHL to become NHLers. The same Finns and Russians
Not, I have no problem with NA or USA, Canada. I like both countries. I dont like NHL policy to Europe, that is all.
and? Do you know that Zetterberg was drafted in 7th round? he plays NHL and has won SC. Drafting position is not important, all draft is not important.
not true
Zharkov did not impress me at WC 18, Slepyshev, Yakimov, Nichuskin, Barabanov and Osnovin are muuuch better