Great job, Oliver Monstrand.Another goal and 3 assists tonight.
Another goal and 3 assists tonight.
He has been on an absolute tear since the beginning of the WJC. Now has highest PPG in WHL. Also got the GWG in Denmark's first WJC win. I have a hard time believing there is a better forward in the WHL. On pace for another 50 goal season (40 goals in 44 games).
Very excited to see how his progression into the pros goes. I would expect to be a dominant player in the AHL next year, possibly seeing some call-up duty. Despite his weight, he looks pretty strong on the puck, and displays pretty good defensive instincts. But his awareness, use of subtle movements, puck control, and shooting are exceptional. He never looked out of place in the pre-season with the Jackets. I don't think it will be too long before he is a 50+ point player in the NHL.
How high do you think his ceiling is? He's on the lighter side but lately it's been apparent that size isn't as important as once believed (although it still helps). Is he creating a lot of offense on his own or does he have someone else on his line helping him?
Does he create his own offense? I think this is the question that caused him to slip into the late 3rd. He has been playing on a great Portland team for three years. When he was drafted he was on the 3rd line, a lot of the time with Leier and De Leo, with Seth Jones and Pouliot on D. The last two years he has been paired with Nic Petan, and recently Paul Bittner. Petan and Bjorkstrand were both top 3 in points in the WHL last season. This season, most of Portland's production has dipped, but Bjorkstrand's has kept pace with last year.
Looks like he's really coming along. How does he compare to Milano in terms of offensive potential and the likliness he translates his success to the NHL?
I think you hit the nail on the head, weight is the only thing holding him back (so far) and i dont see it really being a problem once he gets to the pro level and can focus solely on gaining weight while not losing his speed and agility.Two different players offensively — Milano being of the Pat Kane mold and Bjorkstand.. I don't know, maybe I'll get crucified but I see a pint-sized Ovechkin in his game. I know, I know. Those comparisons are obviously over their respective potentials, but stylistically that's what I see.
I personally think Bjorkstrand is our most promising prospect. Kid has absolutely no pressure on him and will have ample time to gain weight and develop in Springfield.
1g2a last night, up to 2nd in the WHL in points now.
hat trick tonite.
49 goals in 49 games. Goals in 11 straight games.
Frankly, not a lot of prospects I would take before him.
The 3rd round in 2013 is going to be absolutely legendary