I don’t believe that Jesse is really dumb. I have heard him in several Finnish interviews and he really didn’t sound like a stupid person. But I have noticed two things about him: First of all, he doesn’t seem like a very good learner. At least he doesn’t seem to learn things too quickly. Ok, some people might want to call that already being stupid. But that is not really how you define if a person is stupid. It is more how you use knowledge that you already have gained and how well you can use your logic to do good choices in general. Of course it might even be that Jesse had problems with this too, but I’m at least tending to believe that he might have somekind of a learning problem.
Secondly I have to say that Jesse seems still pretty immature and probably because of that he is not very good at keeping a good confidence in some difficult situations. But anyway, I would say that this is quite common with kids of his age, especially if they got used to some other people taking care of the most difficulties that they had to confront in life. This had definitely happened with Jesse in Kärpät.
Otherwise Kärpät are a really great organization for developing top notch talents, but I think that with Jesse’s type of personality Kärpät is not an organization that could make him quickly NHL ready. They would definitely make him NHL ready in a couple of seasons, when his maturing would have gone through it’s normal course, but I don’t think they could have helped him mature very quickly. But at least they could have helped him with his confidence and still much needed skill development. These are the reasons why I thought, and I still think that it would be best for him to play still a couple of seasons in FEL.
He would still have time to learn the North American game, especially now that he has got a taste of what it is like. But right now he needs to mature without losing his self confidence too much and develop his skills still a lot. Of course he should develop also his English skills, but with the right kind of tutoring and attitude he should be able to do that even if he played still a couple of seasons in FEL.