guess what, with a good MS, "microscopic levels" are easily detected and it doesnt matter whether its ug. ng or pg's once objective limits are set, if you exceed them you are a doper. So how many people sued WADA for meldonium ?
I like the " granted its illegal" part followed immediately by some rationalization/justification. Again how available DHEA is is not the point. its on the list and it doesnt say that any non zero number is doping, there is a threshold limit and if you exceed it. = doper. dont like it tough. whether you think that it should or should not be on the list is moot, it WAS on the list and it wasnt added 5 minutes before her heat. And she pissed above it. That makes her a doper BY DEFINITION. These labels are not subjective, you piss over = doper. you could be a freaking saint in every other aspect of your life, piss over then try to change your name to st.cheatsalot, patron saint of dope cheats world wide.
She was held to account for HER BAD CHOICES. You don't come off the drug wagon and go waving your index finger before you havent won anything but a heat. I'm GLAD she was roasted, I'm GLAD the same person turned on justin gatlin publically. Dopers should be shamed, they should be booed because they are freaking cheats. And she got pinched TWICE.
The only thing that would have been better if is the booing would have brought her, or gatling, lance armstron and all of the the other dopers to tears on live TV. who doesnt want to see a cheater get their comeuppance?
dont like the doper moniker ? it was well within her control to ensure that it was never associated with her again. How'd that work out for her ?
the swimmer that waxed her, how many times has she been pinched so far ??????????