Ohhhh man, now we're getting a bit apocolyptic here.
I mean, the threat of rinse & repeat (my new fave phrase regarding Lou's summer activities) is certainly there. No doubt!
But I won't believe all the people in charge will simply let a lightly tweaked version of this year's team return as is next fall.
Alone having brought in Roy when they did tells me that they knew he may very realistically only be getting a view of what he can work with and will now have a good bit of input on what needs to be done line-upwise.
That all means - I don't think Lou gets to stay unless he's asked to change things. And if he is replaced, it will be for the prime purpose of changing things.
And I'd happily supply the organization with a to-do list of things requiring change and how that could ideally get done, should they need any suggestions.