I'd be ALL about moving orlov at the TDL, but they won't do it. Hell send him to Washington LMAO. IDGAF.Simple you move off Orlov for a good haul today seeing as he’d be the best defenceman available now and teams would want him. You run Slavin Bischel Ghost until Nikishin is here and then you move ghost in the offseason and you’ve got your left side for the next 5 plus years
Lol wut?
You're off your Fruit Loops mate
You think Rantaen has been giving it his all? DId you see the game last night?
Its probably stank and bish. Maybe marchment as an add. Stank and bish are on LM ELC IIRC.Jarvis,Blake,stankoven,Bourque,Nadeau that’s a lot of small right handed guys if they were to be getting Stankoven and Bourque