The thing is, the bolded was the rebuttal every time to the doomsday, pessimistic, “this isn’t sustainable so everyone stop being happy they are winning” regurgitated and shoved down our throats over and over and over again. I am not even going to call myself optimistic, but I will say that I strongly felt that the bolded would happen, that we just needed to get to the deadline.
And that given how young the team is, we should have been allowed to enjoy some team success even if it relied heavily on Igor for much of it. He is a spectacular goalie, that is what they do. We have a young team learning how to win and learning how to play in this league. And under a new coach. Yes the new coach said all teams employ a lot of the same system. However the personality of the coach, his coaching style, his demeanor, his expectations, his reactions after losses, etc, all that needs to be learned by the team and that takes time. And wouldnt you know it things are starting to come together. Drury had a great trade deadline. Everyone who was ready to jump off a roof after the Buchnevich trade can take a step back and say maybe Drury knows what he is doing, maybe the Buch trade was just a matter of the circumstances at the time.
The bottom line was and is, if you (as in whomev er) wants to be miserable until they win a cup or until the team is playing to YOUR personal standard then go do it on your own time. Dont go telling fellow fans how to feel and that the team sucks even though they are winning games.