Fun fact: this time next year, we'll be projecting Kravtsov as a third liner, while whoever we draft with our top pick in June will be projected in the top-6. Don't believe me? Look at the posts here every Spring: the last first rounder is always projected to be on the second line while still a teenager, but the guy who's all of 20 now and still not a second liner is dumped own.
Why would Chytil be behind Kravtsov next year? Chytil spent this whole year in the NHL, as well as parts of the last year. But since we saw him play, we know he's not a 19 year old superstar and we discount the possibility he improves, while Kravtsov played against weaker opposition, so therefore he'll be a second liner in the NHL as a 19 year old. Yeah, no. We'll be lucky if next year Kravtsov does what Chytil just did this year.