It's not so much a fear, as an expectation based on the fact that there's no real precedent for it happening.
I really can't see a scenario in which it happens and hypothetical that remove key components just get a little creative for my taste.
It's kind of like the Hayes contract. You can't talk salary without talking NMC. They are indivisible. Members would float scenarios where we paid Hayes and removed the NMC and that just wasn't ever a realistic scenario for me.
As such, Panarin falls into the same category. I cannot envision a scenario in which the Rangers make the biggest free agent splash of 2019, sign a player who apparently only hits free agency once a decade, and then continue with the status quo of patiently building, developing and letting kids nurture.
There's concepts are inherently contradictory to one another.
But even if they weren't, I don't really see what difference is actually makes during Panarin's prime years, because I still don't see enough of the other components coming together for a window while Panarin is still the player people want him to be.
So that, in turn, takes me into a scenario where there are a hell of a lot of "ifs" floating around.
- If the Rangers bucked all conventional wisdom and stayed the course.
- If the Rangers decided they were okay paying a guy 8 figures to sit through a rebuild.
- If the Rangers currently have enough pieces in place that we're ready to start cranking up the dial on building an experienced team to support the young players we have.
- If the window comes quicker than it has for other teams who have been successful.
- If Panarin will still be an elite player when that window opens.
- If the prospects we have hit at 80 percent of their ceilings.
- Etc. Etc.
And that takes me back to my belief that the more "ifs" you have, the more unlikely the scenario is to work out. That's not so much a lingering fear, so much as it's something my "fairly" logical brain has a hard to running with.