To start, obviously face-offs is a less important statistic than various cf% stats in terms of being indicative or contributing to a win vs loss. That aside, I view face-off and CF% in a kind of like opposite relationship of single game impact vs. long-term forward looking indicator. Face-off team’s stat is important in a particular game when a team is probably chasing the puck if it’s combined 33%/66%, but then your individual rate is 40%-60% just means that every 10 tries you lose one more than you win, which should not be a big deal. On the other hand being outshot in one game very often does not translate to loss in that particular game but over a period of time will indicate if a team is one of the better ones or the opposite.
I meant that if you can claim that FOs don’t matter, quality of opponents don’t matter, zone starts don’t matter — or matters very little — it’s less far fetched to claim that it’s possible to Corsi Scout players.
Very little effort has been put into understanding these things instead of just cherry picking indications that it doesn’t matter much at all if you play against Boston’s 1st line every shift or Boston’s 4th line every shift. Or whatever truth that supports CF%.
But now when these numbers have been around for quite a long time, it’s of course obvious to everyone that they more or less don’t say anything when it comes to comparing a player for one team used in one situation with a player for another team used in another situation. Every other time a player changes team his metrical foot print completely changes.
On FOs, my theory is:
1. FOs in important situations always matters fairly much. Ie more or less a maybe a 50% shot at getting a 5-10% shot at scoring a goal (an opportunity to get a shot through). Right.
2. A FO is more or less a coin flip, BUT there are good and bad players at it as well as good and bad match-ups for individual players.
You can be 55% in the circle, but then only win 25% against a certain opponent, of vice versa.
3. All this results in that the impact of how a team performs in the circle is more or less washed out — on average.
4. I don’t for a second buy that it doesn’t hurt you fairly much when you end up in a situation where NONE of your centers can’t match the top guy on the other team, and like lose 70% of the FOs clean against that guy. With that, you will lose many important FOs.
But what does that mean? I don’t think we should overrate the impact of that either. I still wonder if we aren’t talking about maybe 4 shots in a game or whatever.
5. I think it’s rare that one team don’t have one single center that cannot at least make it hard for the top guy on the other team. But it happens.
So ultimately I don’t find reason to doubt that FOs do not have a big impact. BUT, if I was building a team, I would be vary about having 4 centers that are weak in the circle.