The Rs should move all vets we are selling first
and only then see if CK is worth moving
status of his back is a factor
if it drives down price, silly to not hold and hope it can repair short term
just unloading him for whatever is bad GMing
Mere fact he is playing thru pain and not IR/LTIR shows he is trying,
And beyond effort, he cannot single handedly overcome Mika pulling down the others.
Let's be fair/objective.
NO. way too generous. Sit his sorry ass immediately.
It is justified by abysmal performance
then deal like I said
to van
Raty, Juulsen, Forbot + cap dump Descharnais
Laugh all you like
he who laughs last laughs best
in hindsight, my track record PROVES I have been right after the fact about most of the shit for years.
What you got?
we are 99% retaining on bread to facilitate deal
longer his term the better hus value > our return
deal him now if he wants off sinking ship and will go sooner than later
Mika, no I want that bastard gone yesterday, I will settle for NOW not off season
Dealing KK at reduced value now would also throw gas on the fire and be even worse asset mgmt
Acquire Raty as discussed, also Rempe here = 4th line C option = more pivot depth higher in the lineup
But giving KK time there, even as a stopgap, is worthwhile.
Marcel Dionne level of too past its prime for younger assets
fatally bad w/cap
At this pt just sucks. Next level sucking ass on the horizon