The big cap rise isn't coming.Covid is just the latest excuse.
From 2005-06 through 11-12, the cap rose 64% in 7 seasons.
Since then, it's gone up 28% in 11 seasons, counting next year.
What happened in 2013? A new CBA where the players got absolutely crucified. If they didn't, another season was lost. That was the CBA the revenue split was introduced and there was a non-by-law real cap on wages.
This isn't because of a virus, it's by design.
The cap will continue to crawl for the duration of this CBA, which is at least through 2025-26. And there's no reason to believe revenue split will change in the next one if we ever want to watch the NHL again.
This is the pace the cap is rising at for...ever? I know there's a new TV deal but they had a new TV deal in 2012. The cap still hit a wall right around the time that deal was signed. This is just the pace it rises at in a revenue-split league.