I don’t know where else to post this.
Do you guys think DeAngelo has a shot at another NHL roster? Honest question.
And please, omit any kind of political nonsense and bs. We all know how he is, the actions he’s committed, what’s done is done. It’s clear he can’t be in a NYR sweater again.
Most likely he gets bought out? Crossing fingers Seattle picks him so you don’t have to do that?
I don’t say this as a DeAngelo fan, I’m saying it as someone who is in a deep fantasy league (with 24 GMs) where cap is factored in. If DeAngelo gets bought out and on a different team, it could be a win for me as this league is a points only league, and his production at a cheap cap hit (even the 4.8m hit wouldn’t be bad) is good for me.
Guess this could’ve been a mainboards question, but I don’t need 30 other fan bases telling me his “political views and cancerous human being” bs. I’m talking about TD as a hockey player and what his future is.
What are your thoughts? NYR mods, please move this post accordingly if this is the wrong spot. Do not want to derail this thread, even though TD technically is still on the roster.