With the draft GDT closed, time to start a new Roster Building Thread.
Any predictions for how many more we’ll burn through prior to the year flipping on July 1?
A thread has already been started
Oops. Guess I, um, “missed” it.

Miss, please close/delete.
Yes. By a certain poster known for making outlandish proposals...
Uh. Can the main thread be started by someone else then...better yet it really should only be started by a mod.
Who like half the board has on ignore.
Although I am currently and unjustifiably personna non grata from roster build threads at our board, which is a discussion for another time and place, including with the powers that be, I make this post for the justified reason to clarify myself absolved from the misinformation above.
This thread was initially created by someone, presumably a mod or admin, deciding to use it for the basis of a roster building thread.
I did not create the post as rbt.
I created it as an academic question on Shatty exit in a standalone thread. Which ?, btw, has still not been answered.
Whether the mod/admin thought it was time to attempt to return Lazarus to the living, given many posters invited me in other threads to be welcome, and welcomed to post, or as is more likely, it was determined that using that as a basis for rbt would have saved space by consolidating, or if it was a combo of both, it was NOT on me.
Yet the above, and some from the end of the originating Shattenkirk thread, were adamant, that somehow I was wrong, and was the culprit here. All because haters gonna hate.
You, not I were wrong, sloppily jumping to an erroneous conclusion.
I see half the board, even if they disagree with me, is of an open mind, and the other half ....is not.
Do what you wish, but beware and remember, you reap what you sow.
Today I am penalized b'c I will not capitulate to the herd on Nieves, and now there is a coalescing on pushing to move Kreider cheap or Deangelo not at all, when it is arguably factual all players are assets, all have a price, and there should be open minded discussion of what are good offers or not to move them.
Today it is me.
Tomorrow it will be somebody else.
If there continues to be antagonism this will lead to a toxic environment.
If some promote ostracizing anyone over freedom of speech and open mindedness, in violation of the spirit if not the letter of all our HFB rules, then such pollution does not serve any of us well.
Do some soul searching, and guide yourselves accordingly.
In closing, we approach the 4th of July.
After Washington, who singularly could unify across the board, our greatest founding fathers were arguably Hamilton and John Adams, who particularly was excoriated for insisting on independence, when early on many of the privileged in Congress just wanted to resolve their dispute with the king --- a tyrant.
We are a country at all, and a better nation, b'c of Adams/Hamilton.
In their spirit, I defy the herd.
By all means, let those who agree or disagree with me be at liberty to say so.
But let us be civil with each other, mindful there is a place in society for both the majority AND minority opinion, opinions which change their positions as updated info becomes available. Failure to go there is not good.
Maybe not this thread but I will see you all around.