I think there is another factor here that has not been discussed. Over the next few months Crosby will turn 30, Malkin 31, and Ovi 32. It is logical to assume that their skills will soon begin to diminish; in the case of Ovi, it already might be happening. Sid is always one concussion from having his career ended prematurely.
It very well may be that the peak of the Crosby/Ovi era is right now. I know many have expressed doubts about our ability to compete with the Pens over the next few years, and they very well may be correct. But the landscape of the league may very well look different 2 or 3 years from now: the 900 lb gorilla in the room may be gone.
Whether any of the seeming rising powers in the league, Edmonton, Toronto, etc., will continue to grow is unknown.
The question is: what should our philosophy be for preparing for this new landscape? Some say to tank: but tanking is not a guarantee of success, in particular with the the way the lottery works. Plenty of teams have had endless runs of top 10 picks but are still in what seem like decades long periods of mediocrity. For those of us who have lived through long stretches of mediocrity I have this warning: as a fan it is depressing and soul-draining.
I also don't think we should be spending big money on UFAs in an attempt to remain an elite team. I don't believe any one or two players will elevate us to that level, at least in the short run.
Retooling on the fly is, for me, the best choice. it allows us to remain flexible in spending, accumulate assets, remain competitive, plan for the future, and take advantage of any situations that might come our way. The best thing about the last few days? We had a bare cupboard of prospects. Now we have 2 first round centers to watch grow and think about.
As is the case with Maximus: I am a Ranger fan of long, long standing: almost 60 years. I have seen one Cup, one of the highlights of my life, and certainly want to see more. But I am not a Cup or bust fan either. I've learned to take my happiness where it comes and these last 12 years have been just wonderful: the equal to the Francis era when I was a young fan sitting in the blueseats with a season ticket. 82 games is a long season: I want my team to be competitive, I want them to have interesting players to think about and watch. I can't define happiness with winning the Cup and the Cup only. Even though I have gone home disappointed year after year, the Rangers have enriched my life in so many ways. I'd rather retool, stay competitive (at this juncture the team looks like a bubble team to me), accumulate some assets, and prepare for a Sid-less, Ovi-less NHL (or one where they are still productive but not at the level they have been): an NHL that may be right around the corner. "Retooling on the fly" can be interesting as well as a valid philosophy. I'm in to see how it goes.